Power of pheromone persuasion. The Truman Show is The Fall of Man 2, Jim Carrey Bogaloo. [–]therealjgreens 412 points413 points414 points 6 years ago (56 children). This movie delivered that more than any of the other X-men movies did by at first completely deconstructing it (with young prof X being so lost and disillusioned, and Magneto having been "right all along") and then finally arriving at that scene; despite everything, young prof X got to learn from his own future self that he had within him the power to bring the other mutants together and show both mutants and humans that coexistence and mutual benefit was possible. And Origins is likely gone as well. [–]Niel15 450 points451 points452 points 6 years ago (10 children), Whenever Blink used her powers, all I could think was "Now you're thinking with portals. What I find pretty amazing and that I haven't seen mentioned anywhere else yet, is a really cool piece of science they integrated into the film without even mentioning it by name once. She probably also owned at Portal 2 with the way she co-oped with Colossus. [–][deleted] 1548 points1549 points1550 points 6 years ago (361 children). Takes place in the 80s. [–]zombiekicks 496 points497 points498 points 6 years ago (10 children), The part where they visit Quicksilver and ask him to break Magneto out and he says,"that's illegal" and they pan over to the stolen Ding-Dongs was perfect, [–]Chicken2nite 67 points68 points69 points 6 years ago (3 children). You're right. I honestly didn't think Quicksilver would be that special. ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ Post-Credits Scene Explained Posted on Monday, May 26th, 2014 by Russ Fischer It is standard procedure for a comic book movie to … [–]sweddit123 348 points349 points350 points 6 years ago (6 children). How long was that time gap between being found in the airport and the dystopian future? [–][deleted] 117 points118 points119 points 6 years ago (13 children), Oh man im glad you asked the Cable question! [Secret World Legends][I Remember Lemuria] The Secret World as an extension of the Shaver Mystery. I'm suddenly worried on behalf of The Avengers: Age of Ultron. It was utterly fantastic. I hate that I get so involved in the prettiness of the movie, that I forget to really pay attention to the acting. The end credit scene of X3 explains it, but I think it's one of those directors cut interview that explained Charles has a twin. Fan BingBing has stated that this is the first of five in her contract, so we can definitely expect more Blink in upcoming films! [–]leighbo 889 points890 points891 points 6 years ago (113 children). Even if you account for Days of Future Past which takes place in 1973 Charles needs a serum to walk but he can't use his powers and him and Magneto are at odds. Which totally fits if my theory is right and Quicksilver is actually like 10 or whatever (same age as Wanda) and simply has a heightened metabolism that ages him at an accelerated rate. Can't get enough of Fassbender as Magneto. And I was oddly nervous when Logan woke up. However, the sentinels slowly begin killing mutants off. Maybe I missed something. I had almost forgotten that he didn't have his metal claws yet and was expecting some shit to go down. For reference for anyone else - at the end of the opening monologue they focus on mutants and humans walking through the middle tunnel of the concentration camp. [–]RelaxYourself 235 points236 points237 points 6 years ago (6 children), [–]Blackadder18 230 points231 points232 points 6 years ago (21 children). Rule 8 - Write up your theory if you link to an outside source. The ultimate X-Men ensemble fights a war for the survival of the species across two time periods in X-Men: Days of Future Past. He only agrees to the jailbreak as kind of a gloryhound type of thing. [–]raaabr 0 points1 point2 points 6 years ago (0 children). AP Photo by John Minchillo The bulk of it takes place after, but Wolverine and Sabretooth get recruited during the War. Nothing that happened in this movie explicitly cancelled out X-Men 1 or even most of X2. Was very glad to be surprised and proven wrong. That would be pretty cool on its own but that's not entirely unexpected technology, if the "future" part is set in ~2030, its conceivable that we'd have cracked nuclear fusion by then, even if the chances of putting it on a portable aircraft are highly unlikely. Paddington 2 is the Dark Knight of talking animal family movies. Is it too far-fetched to interpret the whole thing with Wolverine Spoilers The imagery sort of reminded me of it. In the post-credits scene of X-Men: Last Stand, Prof. X was shown transferring his consciousness into a comatose body. "Now.. your move...", [–]tegix62 1082 points1083 points1084 points 6 years ago (27 children), [–]PWN3R_RANGER 1142 points1143 points1144 points 6 years ago (7 children), [–]alwayschewsgum 431 points432 points433 points 6 years ago (5 children), [–]obeythed 334 points335 points336 points 6 years ago (5 children). It's P. Xavier, Charles' twin brother who is brain dead (because of Charles' powers activating while the two shared a womb). She played an architecture student in Inception. That amused me so much. XM:A is set in the 80s where he is in his late teens/early 20s. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 10877 on r2-app-0fcdfbb5f7d3f0f1f at 2021-03-08 16:46:48.645920+00:00 running b0724a4 country code: FR. Serious question, I guess I missed something since the TV show. In another parallel universe, Prof X becomes a drug-addicted policeman in Edinburgh. The way Blink worked with Colossus at the end makes me think Bryan Singer has been playing Portal. Synopsis: The ultimate X-Men ensemble fights a war for the survival of the species across two time periods in X-Men: Days of Future Past. If it's not, I think pretty much everything lines up. It affects the timeline in that Mystique is implied to now be responsible for Wolverine's adamantium and Weapon X overall. It seemed like X3 was in canon when that flashback happened, but that leaves the plot hole of why future Professor X is still alive. For the sake of completeness, this timeline includes X-Men: First Class, the 1973 sections of X-Men: Days of Future Past, as well as all of X-Men: Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix. The casting for Xmen has been nothing short of brilliant. I think the Kelsey Grammar cameo was my favorite. Blink pretty much had the coolest powers introduced in this movie. Meta - Posts regarding the sub-Reddit itself. Not some super meaningful death, just, "...and he's dead...and he's dead...and she's dead...and he's dead". I wasn't offended or scandalized, just surprised to see it in a PG-13 movie along with the general wholesale slaughter of the future mutants via fire, stabbing, dismembering, and blunt force trauma. I liked the part where Bryan Singer made X-Men 3 not exist at all. Not some other dude's body? I'm pretty sure it is a fusion bomb, else why would the production team specifically show that the core is a fusion reactor at the beginning of the film? [–]thicknavyrain 424 points425 points426 points 6 years ago* (21 children). [–]star-bomb 141 points142 points143 points 6 years ago (40 children). In "Days of Future Past," Wolverine's consciousness was sent from the distant future into the distant past. The biggest surprise however, is Quicksilver. Confirmed - Theories which have turned out to be right but must be back up with supporting external evidence. And indeed, the blast is absolutely enormous, although I don't know enough about nuclear weapons to tell if its consistent with the blast from a fusion weapon, it's still pretty cool. "Days of Future Past" is a storyline in the Marvel Comics comic book The Uncanny X-Men issues #141–142, published in 1981. [–]CochMaestro 102 points103 points104 points 6 years ago (5 children), And boy, singer did not cut back on some of those deaths, [–]Zyner 56 points57 points58 points 6 years ago (4 children). Yes, its that X-Men 3, (and possibly 1 and 2) aren't canon anymore. Hank McCoy (Beast) in his younger years is terribly embarrassed by his mutation and constantly struggles to hide it, using his supreme intellect to even fashion a compound to try and reverse his condition. Days of Future Past could easily explore the fallout of his betrayal, which could in turn have some sort of impact on the past. Here's where it starts getting confusing. Such a tremendous negative buzz going into this film and he delivered stealthily. Who else could do that? Apocalypse is around 5000 years old whereas Selene is 17,000 years old. Whether it's the name of the movie, show or video game, please tell us what you're talking about by putting the name in the title. His entire segment, however brief it was, is a breathless and thrilling display of his mutant powers reminiscent of the Nightcrawler White House attack in X2. Just like Nightcrawler's scene at the beginning of X-2. © 2021 reddit inc. All rights reserved. In the Days of Future Past comic, Kitty Pryde was the one who was sent back in time, which resulted in her adult mind trading places with her teenage mind. Could be weeks, months or years. This is the correct answer. I think between the ending of The Wolverine and DoFP (And this is all speculation, of course), Logan joins back up with the X-men and the X-men fight a war against the sentinels after their deployment. Anyway, I thought it was pretty cool... Edit: Thank you Mr Anonymous for increasing my Au concentration. So X-Men Last Stand is mostly gone. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 23709 on r2-app-0253bfd2f6a131bbf at 2021-03-08 16:46:51.801245+00:00 running b0724a4 country code: US. X-Men: Days of Future Past is a time-travel movie, and as fans of time-travel movies know, if you change something in the past, you alter the future. [–]Hungry_Freaks_Daddy 245 points246 points247 points 6 years ago (21 children), Same. Xavier's survival after Last stand is sort of explained by a post-credit scene where McTaggart is treating a patient in a coma, who talks to her in Xavier's voice. They realized how much they screwed up three and just kind of tactfully fixed it. Rendered by PID 10877 on r2-app-0fcdfbb5f7d3f0f1f at 2021-03-08 16:46:48.645920+00:00 running b0724a4 country code: FR. What happens to Wolverine and Mystique is not known now and none of the previous films give any insight to what will happen as X-men: Apocalypse is set in the 80's so the timeline has totally changed now. This is the logical answer, the in-universe answer is that he has no interest after that. Was that one kid with the scar towards the beginning supposed to be Cable? I felt genuinely afraid of the Sentinels of the future. Leaves a lot of questions though. [–]konke 123 points124 points125 points 6 years ago (36 children). [–]StevenK 86 points87 points88 points 6 years ago* (5 children). That part where they are face to face and future Xavier says "we need you to hope again". Blink's powers were awesome. He doesn't even kill the policemen or security guards on his way to the white house. With as much shit as everyone gave Quicksilver for his costume, I think we all need to admit that he stole this movie by a freaking mile. So glad he got a cameo. Absolutely fantastic. Who's your favorite director that isn't an icon? Are they related in some way in the comics that isn't explained in the movies because of the studio divide? I was losing my shit the more the scene went on. [–]mattFKNsloan 61 points62 points63 points 6 years ago (0 children). [–][deleted] 500 points501 points502 points 6 years ago (72 children). Can anyone explain the time gap between the end-credit scene of The Wolverine until now? The whole "bent bullet" virals went pretty awesome, and I thought they were going to extend a lot more on the topic.
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