Thomas slowly stood up with a confused look on his face. Alby is terribly injures-Thomas climbs up the ivy walls of the maze with Ably with him, Thomas is brave and brings Alby up the wall.-Thomas sees a … 3.) Alby introduces himself to Thomas and shows him around the Glade and the stuff they do, asks Thomas what his name is, and tells him that he'll get it back by two days or so. 2. You and Newt looked at each other before looking at Alby again. 2.) 5. ? Describe and analyze the character of Teresa in the novel. When he had completely depleted his energy, Thomas knew that the two Gladers were now where they would have to hide or make their stand. It looks like an unseen force is strangling him. Your best friend dies how do you react? Alby w-we might've just found a way out of the maze. 1.) How does she explain her connection to Thomas? 2. What does the girl say when she comes out of the box right before she goes into a coma? What does Alby discuss right before he begins choking himself? 7. Why? Why or why not? Laying hidden in a corner. Why? What did Minho, Newt, and Thomas suggest they do in Ch. Why? He tears down some of the vines. Where does Alby say he saw Thomas? What had happened to Alby? Career. How? I should be in there instead of her. When Thomas came into the room, once again asking for answers, Alby jumped up and took Thomas out of the room. Alby Thomas 2 Pick a color? What plant did Thomas use to save Alby? Not affiliated with Harvard College. 4. 1.) Alby put his hand on my shoulder as I stared at the wall. "I should've went back for her. Do you consider Gally a bully? What warnings did Gally give to the group? Thomas seems to have found a friend: another character named Chuck. Why or why not? Why? 1. Why does Thomas find this so difficult? 1.) They hold his weight. Why was Alby so suspicious of Thomas? Alby doesn't respond. Well, that's half of it. Alby begins to speak and then begins to convulse violently, biting down on his tongue. Thomas tries to save Minho and Alby [Maze Runner] - YouTube Not only did Thomas help Alby get out of harm way, he ran the opposite way to distract the Grievers from finding Alby’s hiding spot. Why? I wasn’t actively looking for Thomas right now, and it gave me time to think about what I was going to say. 38? Thomas calls for Newt. Does Gali agree with Minho at the gathering? The next morning, Alby sent Newt to show Thomas a Griever through a window. 4. What did Minho say he wanted the keepers to do with Thomas during the gathering? What made the slide out of the glade slippery? 8.) What did Minho say he wanted the keepers to do with Thomas during the gathering? He starts to lead Thomas's Tour but gets interrupted by the arrival of Teresa. Later, Alby arrived to take Thomas on the tour, but told … How did Thomas react to being stuck in the maze overnight? Thomas begins to lift Alby’s body off the ground with a painstaking series of steps. How does he arrive? Where is Thomas’s favorite spot to sleep at night? What did Minho decide to do? Flash forward to … Thomas: That's not what she said, she said everything is going to change . What is one of the jobs that a slopper has to do? What does Minho teach Thomas to do so they don’t lose their way in the Maze? 2. We could be getting outta here.” Albys sniffles, before shaking his head. Thomas, unable to leave Alby to die, uses the vines on the walls to take him up and out of sight of the Grievers, attracts his attention, and evades them. They are all named after famous scientists (Alby, Albert Einstein, Thomas, Thomas Edison). What plant did Thomas use to save Alby? Why or why not? Thomas (His P.O.V) She was in there. Newt: Do I really look like that when I run? Why? 5. That they are all highly intelligent orphans collected and raised by the creators as part of a larger project. 3. All three are then stranded in the Maze overnight. Did he have good reason to be?? answer choices . Did Thomas enjoy staying in the slammer for a day? 4. He proceeded to furiously ask why he had come up there and demanded for him to leave immediately and to not see him again until tomorrow. The rescuers are who they say they are. In this manner, he is able to get Alby off the ground. The sounds in the Maze become louder still. The gladers were given chicken for dinner by the rescuers. 8. Describe the banishment ceremony. How did Minho react to Thomas’ decision to leave the Glade? I believe it had to do with Ben not being given the Serum in time, and that leaves him crazy and dangerous. Do you think they will survive the night? 8.) 3.) The head cook in the Glade, Frypan is one the first and most adamant supporters of Thomas after he saves Minho and Alby from the Maze. Why do you think Gally picks on Thomas? Thomas calls for Alby, who is directed by Minho to get him water. answer choices ... Where does Thomas leave the injured Alby in the Maze when the Griever is chasing him? His skin begins to turn purple. Why?? Gally was being controlled by the Creators when he killed Chuck. The next day, Minho and Alby go into the Maze to find the dead Griever, but when Alby touches the Griever, it springs to life and stings him. He and the other surviving Gladers are ushered inside a large warehouse-like building before being taken to a room with a table of food laid out for them. Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites. Ava Paige Chancellor of the Maze Trials, Ava Paige is the author of the email in the epilogue. 4.) Why? What do the Gladers do when the Grievers come? He assigns Chuck to be Thomas's little helper, to escort him around the place and fill him in gradually. Later, Janson visits the group after they've … I had so much that I needed to tell him, but seemingly no words to do so. "Thomas, man, you alright?" 4.) What is one way that we know Thomas … 7.) 6.) How does Minho first react when he sees that Thomas has entered the Maze to help them? What happened to him? What explanation can you determine for how perfect the Glade is, as discussed on page 199? a. vines b. tree c. grass 2.) He returned to Santry later that summer. “I wanna know who you are, who this shank girl is, and how you guys know each other.” Thomas almost wilted. The Maze Runner by James Dashner Chapter 39-44 1. Minho: No, but the actor doesn't actually have a limp and it's kinda hard to fake sometimes . Alby shoots Ben in the face with a bow and arrow to save Thomas… You hear me? 38? Why? Flash forward to when the greivers come to the glade. Thomas waited, hoping that Newt or Alby would have a positive reaction to the news, maybe even have further information to shed light on the mystery. Why must they solve the Maze now, according to Thomas? Minho, believing that Alby is dead without the Serum, tells Thomas to leave him and just run, looking for shelter so that the Grievers do not find them. What surprising news did Chuck have for Thomas in Chapter 13? Thomas looks around, before approaching, and kneeling in front of Newt. 3. He was born in Hurstville, New South Wales in 1935. What was going to happen that night?? What did Thomas think about their situation? 5. Based on your descriptions, draw a Griever. Happy, Gally deserved it. 3. 5.) 8. 4. After Alby brings the water, Minho explains that he found a dead Griever. Because he's going to save Thomas's life at the end of the book, and the author wants us to weep profusely at his sacrifice. After all, we already have a few of those types with Alby, Minho, and Newt. “We can't… We can't leave. Copyright © 1999 - 2021 GradeSaver LLC. Minho and Gally didn't listen anymore and ran out side to see what was going on. Angry because he got some of the blame. Thomas can’t leave a friend to die. Alby tells Thomas that Minho is the only one who can boss around him like that. Describe a Griever. Do you think they are safe in the Homestead? Strung up by vines on the wall. Thomas begins pulling down several of them, creating a series of climbing ropes. The sounds in the Maze become louder still. Alby is stung by the creature, and while Minho is trying to help him out of the Maze, Thomas runs in to help, just as the doors of the maze shut. -Thomas ran out of Glade and into the maze to find Ably and Thomas-Alby, Thomas, and Minho met up and Minho ran off. When Minho abandoned Thomas and Alby, instead of fleeing to save himself and leave Alby behind, Thomas pulled Alby off the ground and wrapped him with vines, to keep him away from the Grievers. Minho sees Thomas' evasion tactic and uses it to send the four Grievers chasing them over the cliff. 7. How does Newt react to Alby’s behavior? Describe Thomas’s relationships with Gally, Alby, and Newt. What did Thomas decide to do? What does Thomas suggest regarding the … Thomas wonders what Alby is talking about, but wants to know who he is. 10.) How did the Gladers prepare for the first evening in this changed world? 6. Do you think Ben should have been banished for what he did to Thomas? How did Thomas feel about it?? Why was Minho so sure of their situation being so hopeless? If we consider that not everybody stung reacts the same as Ben, then the movie answer would simply be the same as the book. Why or why not?? At that, Minho runs into the Maze, leaving Alby and Thomas alone and defenseless against the approaching Griever. What epiphany did Thomas have? a. yes b. no 4.) He gets put into the pen. 6. Not at Alby though, but myself. They won’t let us.” Thomas looks up at him confused, glancing at Newt. As Minho’s reaction shows, hope can be painful in dire situations. They are quite thick and strong. “Alby, I swear—” “She came straight to you after waking up, shuck-face!” Anger surged inside Thomas—and worry that Alby … Newt: That's not how Alby died. In Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials, Minho yells Thomas' name, telling him to wake up as they have to exit the berg. What did Minho, Newt, and Thomas suggest they do in Ch. 4. Alby asked Thomas while glaring at him with tears in his eyes. It’s easier for Minho to handle the situation emotionally by accepting that he’s going to … Thomas sees a group of males around him. What/Who were behind the glass windows at the bottom of the slide? If you were trapped in the maze for a night, how would you react? How does Alby react? 2. 9.) Thomas, Alby and Minho are the first people in the Glade to survive a night in the maze. He ties Alby’s body in one spot with the vines, then pushes him up, then re-ties him.
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