If you are dealing with anxiety or stress, floral incense helps induce relaxation. It might momentarily do some energetic work, but as soon as the smoke goes away, the crystal may revert back to its original state. Smoke cleanses the air quality, changes the energy of the space — and ultimately — the fragrance works best to energetically and emotionally impact YOU. Here is a video that will walk you through each step and how to do that: Over the course of many years using incense, I have gravitated over and over again to certain companies or types of incense that have a huge impact on my energy. There is no set amount of time to do this for, just whatever feels right for you although roughly 30 seconds – 1 minute should be long enough. Aura Cleansing Incense Sticks from the Satya Ayurvedic range of incense. Many people burn incense on an altar where they have established a sacred space to do spiritual work. If you use multiple pick other or the one you use most often! Feel any disharmony within yourself and the space around you, and just experience it without judgement. your own Pins on Pinterest Crystals such as hematite or pyrite should not be cleansed this way as they can rust. As it is easy to program, you can set an intention for it to cleanse the crystal so that it will absorb negative energy and remove it. The smoke from incense can be used as a way to energetically cleanse a crystal. Burn either smudge or incense sticks and wave the crystals around in the smoke to cleanse stored energies. © 2021 Spiral Crystals. One can also use tap water, allowing the water to run over the crystal for a few minutes until you feel it to be clean. C rystals can be held under running water or immersed in sea or salt water to wash negativity away. The belief as to why this works is because smoke changes the structure of energy around a person, place or object, breaking through lower vibrational energies such as negative thinking or stressful emotions. Water is a powerful energetic cleanser. For this, you can use any dried herbs or incense sticks that you have at home. Salt is naturally cleansing — that's why people use it for things like disinfecting … In a past post, I wrote about cleansing your crystals using sage, which is most often used with using smoke. Now I wanna know which ones is the most common. Bears are magical woodland creatures, linked to ancient healings, spiritual power, intuitive sight, and harmony in nature. Why? The smoke produced by different herbs, woods and resins affects these energies in different ways. You could use Sandalwood, Camphor, Copal, Lemongrass, Sage, Frankincense and Myrrh. I am learning everyday and a complete beginner. The best way to cleanse your crystals and stones of their negative energy is to return them to the Earth. It has cleansing and protecting properties, this material is often… Hey guys! After a few minutes, light your incense and experience how the energy shifts in the space around you and in your own space. Put the crystal in the bottom of a bowl and cover it with sea salt and cold water. But I still recommend using incense for cleansing purposes when working with your crystals. This could be the place that you continuously go to meditate or do work with your crystals. I just really love them and highly recommend them. If you have financial stress or are struggling with physical illness, wood incense like cedar and sandalwood are great grounding fragrances. A wonderful method to cleanse your crystal is to burn sage leaves and pass your crystal through the smoke. Some nice ones are Sage, Palo Santo, Sweetgrass, Frankincense, Myrrh, Copal, etc. Some crystals may not be suitable for this such as kyanite and selenite, as they are quite soft and can dissolve. Another salt method is to half-fill a glass bowl with sea salt (or cooking salt) and place your … After buying new crystals it’s always a good idea to give them a cleanse and to charge them with your intentions. Any smell that negatively affects the air quality in the environment can negatively affect your crystal – as your crystal is sensitive to the environment and wants to heal it. However, from my experience, smoke from incense does not have that much of an effect on the actual energy of the crystal. None of these links are affiliates or companies that I have a partnership with. She is passionate about meditation and is a meditation teacher and mentor. Crystals. Can you cleanse your crystals with incense and why does it work? This link takes you to Mailchimp, our marketing integration platform. You just light the smudge stick and pass the crystals over the smoke for around 30 seconds while setting an intention to remove negative energy and cleanse the crystal. I recently learn about different ways to cleanse crystals! Crystal Clear Intuition LLC Copyright 2021, link to What It Means To See A Bear: Spiritual Meaning & Symbolism, link to What Does It Mean to See a Deer? I have found that smoke works best to cleanse the energy in the space holding your crystal. These materials, when burnt and ingested, can be harmful to your physical health and the energy of your space. Sort by Banjara Incense ~ Cinnamon ... Satya Incense ~ Black Crystal-$3.00. So, using incense to create a sacred space to work with your crystals is the best way to use it. Using incense for cleansing purposes is called “smoke cleansing” and is different than “smudging.” As explained in this past post about sage smudging, the act of smudging is done in a ritual passed down from many generations, where a sacred plant is used – such as white sage or palo santo wood. The best way to apply incense for cleansing purposes is to use it to establish a sacred space for you to do work with your crystals. These smells include anything lower in vibration that is being burned, such as plastic, toxins, chemicals, etc. She is a trained Intuitive Coach and does intuitive readings, coaching and healings. Smudging: Smudge crystals with incense or herbs (lavender, sweetgrass, and sage, for example) Sunlight: Energize crystals in the sunlight. What It Means To See A Bear: Spiritual Meaning & Symbolism. Leave it for one night to boost the cleaning with the energy of the Moon. All rights reserved. This can be done with any crystal although I find that its best to use this in combination with another method such as placing them on the grass in the sunlight for a few hours. Too much harvesting of this sacred wood is impacting the cultures and ancient rituals where it originated. If Palo Santo doesn’t grow in your area, don’t overdo it. This reconnects them with the Earth which will draw out any negative energies present in the crystal. The next time your crystal is in need of a refresh, hold it in your hands, close your eyes, and visualize a ray of cleansing light washing over it. Just make sure if you use water or the sun it’s a crystal that can get wet/be exposed to prolong sunlight. Allow the fragrance to clear lower vibrations in your mental, emotional and physical space so that you can go deeper into meditation and get more healing done with your crystal. Burn the incense so it fills the space you are wanting to connect to your crystal energetically and spiritually. This incense is from the home of the original Satya Sai Baba Nag Champa Incense. Are there scents or herbs that can negatively affect my crystal? I honestly prefer incense! Incensing your crystals are a nice, quick way to cleanse your crystals before use. Water. Yet, for as widespread and common these animals are, they are actually quite rare to see. This is the most powerful way to cleanse a crystal. This is just from my experience. You could also place the crystal in a grid for your specific intention or place a piece of paper with the intention written on it underneath the crystal. Pour loving light into your crystal and ask that it be cleansed of all imbalanced vibrations to be set back to its original source so that it can come back as loving energy. Many prefer to use a naturally running spring or river. It should not distract you from your meditation. If you want to connect to your spirituality, incense that opens your crown chakra and third eye are wonderful, such as mugwort and jasmine. Some crystals such as amethyst and fluorite can fade in the sun so it might be better to use one of the other methods for cleansing them. Although its best to do this with running natural water such as a river or stream, you can also just use a tap water. Let the fragrance energetically take you to places you need deep work done. In almost all parts of the world, deer roam the forests, plains, and bushes. Cleansing With Salt. Even though the smoke from incense does move through energy, is this the best way to cleanse your crystals? Incense to cleanse crystals. The smoke from incense can have an affect on the energy of more than just your crystal, which is where the healing power of its fragrance works best. Deer Spiritual Meaning. If you wild harvest ingredients from your nearby area, always cross check what you are burning with a professional who can help you identify if it is safe to burn in your home. Rose is the owner and founder of Crystal Clear Intuition and the author of the blog. Place your amethyst into a cloth bag to ensure they do not get dirty. See their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, I am now shipping to the USA on a request basis. Share to. It’s like they play energetic ping pong with everything around them. Its best to leave them there for at least a day or longer. After they have been cleansed you will notice that they seem clearer and more sparkly. Perfect to use before … Crystals go with tarot like peanut butter and jelly. When burning herbs and incense at home, this is often “smoke cleansing” your space or object. Light a cleansing incense like Sage, Palo Santo, Copal, Frankincense, Sandalwood, or Cedar, and as the smoke from the incense moves through the air, tune into the element of air, and hold your crystal in the smoke with the intention to cleanse its energy. Just be careful not to apply the burning incense directly to your crystal as direct heat can, and probably will, damage your crystal. As you take your crystal and pass it through the smoke, the smoke should cleanse the energy, or aura, around that object so that it can go back to vibrating at its base frequency. ; Moonlight: Energize crystals under the moonlight. Crystal Clear Intuition is a blog and online resource to help you develop your intuition and align to your highest purpose. As I was writing that article, I wondered if all smoke works in the same way that smudging does, and then spent some time burning different forms of incense to see if they have an energetic impact on my crystals.
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