We'll contrast some of these points as we go through. He will judge Your people with righteousness, And Your poor with justice. 1) - The Coming Kingdom, pt. 1 Of Solomon.. Give the king your justice, O God, and your righteousness to the royal son! (1) He passes into a prophecy of the glories of his reign, and of Christ's kingdom. The subject matter is similar to that of Psalm 72, an actual part of inspired Scripture attributed to Solomon, so the title might be intended as a reference, not a claim of authorship. Solomon was both the king and the king's son, and his pious father desired that the wisdom of God might be in him, that his reign might be a remembrance of the kingdom of the Messiah. A Psalm for Solomon. Psalms 72:1-4 A Psalm of Solomon. This verse is a prayer for the king, even the king's son. 1 Of Solomon. If praise came to Song of Solomon , even more credit should go to the God of Israel for enabling the king to exercise such a marvelous reign. DAY 2 Read Psalm 72 again. The best linguists affirm that this should be rendered, of or by Solomon. Psalm 72 (pt. ... How beautifully this psalm has been exemplified in the life of our nation! Prayer shall be made through him, or for his sake; whatever we ask of the Father, should be in his name. Psa 72:1. And he shall live, and to him shall be given of the gold of Sheba: prayer also shall be made for him continually; There shall be an handful of corn in the earth upon the top of the mountains; the fruit thereof shall shake like Lebanon: and, His name shall endure for ever: his name shall be continued as long as the sun: and. For this reason some commentators regard this as a Psalm written by David to express his hope for Solomon." If praise came to Song of Solomon , even more credit should go to the God of Israel for enabling the king to exercise such a marvelous reign. This psalm belongs to Solomon in part, but to Christ more fully and clearly. It is … The header does not explicitly refer to a historic event in the life of David or Solomon, although it seems clear that the Psalm refers to the Davidic Covenant. He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth. The foregoing psalm was penned by David when he was old, and, it should seem, so was this too; for Solomon was now standing fair for the crown; that was his prayer for himself, this for his son and successor, and with these two the prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended, as we find in the close of this psalm. Observe many great and precious promises here made, which were to have full accomplishment only in the kingdom of Christ. He shall come down like rain upon the mown grass: as showers. 72:1 This psalm belongs to Solomon in part, but to Christ more fully and clearly. Psalm 72:1-19 A Psalm of Solomon. Chapter 72. The kingdom here spoken of is to last as long as the sun, but Solomon's was soon at an end. So the idyllic themes of Solomon’s reign are rehearsed in Psalm 72, and the psalmist asks God to replicate these same blessings for the new king. May we bless him for the wonders of redeeming love. But there is another important theme that runs through Psalm 72, and that is the emphasis on theocracy and godly character. The best linguists affirm that this should be rendered, of or by Solomon. Psalms 72:1-4 A Psalm of Solomon. 2000. Maybe you are one of these people. We can therefore read the beginning as a call to pray for our leaders and our children. David was the type of Christ our King, with special reference to His conflicts and conquests. The kingdom was divided under Rehoboam, Solomon’s son (1 Kings 12). Psalm 72 February 25, 2020. 2 Then he will judge your people fairly, and your oppressed ones equitably. The Life of Solomon provides everyone with a sense of who God was and shows, firsthand, the blessings that God is capable of providing. Behind the earthly king, Solomon saw the Lord God. If you are familiar with the life of Solomon you will know that he went off track in his later life with countless women and worldliness, but his early reign is definitely a type of the coming Messianic Kingdom. To the end of time, and to eternity, his name shall be praised. His gospel has been, or shall be, preached to all nations. The extent of his territories (Psalm 72:8): He shall have dominion from sea to sea (from the South Sea to the North, or from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean) and from the river Euphrates, or Nile, to the ends of the earth. Psalm 72 concerns the reign of a succeeding "king...the king's son" (verse 1). The title of this psalm is A Psalm of Solomon.It is possible to translate the Hebrew here (and in almost all the psalms which reference an author) as “A Psalm to Solomon,” and some have regarded it as David’s psalm to and about his son Solomon and his Greater Son the Messiah. 3 The mountains will bring prosperity to the people, the hills the fruit of righteousness. This may also be translated 'to or for Solomon'. Solomon was both the king and the king's son, and his pious father desired that the wisdom of God might be in him, that his reign might be a remembrance of the kingdom of the Messiah. 3 The mountains will bring prosperity to the people, the hills the fruit of righteousness. He shall spare the poor and needy, and shall save the souls of the needy. The psalm contains a very idealistic tone that could never be realized in a sinful human being. BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD: The Holy Bible: King James Version. A Psalm for Solomon. Those that have the wealth of this world, must serve Christ with it, do good with it. The King referred to in this Psalm will endure through all generations. We'll contrast some of these points as we go through. The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring presents: the kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts. Read through the notes on Psalm 72 in the ESV Study Bible. David begins with a prayer for Solomon. The fact that the superscription following directly upon a Psalm of Solomon is thus worded, is based on the same ground as the fact that the whole … 72:1 This psalm belongs to Solomon in part, but to Christ more fully and clearly. Solomon was both the king and the king's son, and his pious father desired that the wisdom of God might be in him, that his reign might be a remembrance of the kingdom of the Messiah. Psalm 72 is a royal psalm or coronation hymn marking the change of command ceremony in which power was being transferred from Kind David to his son Solomon. Reread Psalm 72, personalizing the Psalm as your own prayer. This psalm belongs to Solomon in part, but to Christ more fully and clearly. My attention is drawn to Psalm 72, a psalm either written by David to (or on behalf of) Solomon, or written by Solomon himself: 1 O God, grant the king the ability to make just decisions! This Psalm has primary reference to Solomon, and is called a Psalm or Song for Solomon. 1. There were righteousness and peace at first in the administration of his government; but, before the end of his reign, there were troubles and unrighteousness. Part of Solomon's diplomatic success had come through marriages with foreign royalty. But there is another important theme that runs through Psalm 72, and that is the emphasis on theocracy and godly character. They pray The title of this psalm is A Psalm of Solomon.It is possible to translate the Hebrew here (and in almost all the psalms which reference an author) as “A Psalm to Solomon,” and some have regarded it as David’s psalm to and about his son Solomon and his Greater Son the Messiah. 1 Give the king thy judgments, O God, and thy righteousness unto the king's son. They that dwell in the wilderness shall bow before him; and his enemies shall lick the dust. 1 Endow the king with your justice, O God, ... Then all nations will be blessed through him, # 72:17 Or will use his name in blessings (see Gen. 48:20) and they will call him blessed. (1) He passes into a prophecy of the glories of his reign, and of Christ's kingdom. Solomon.1 Psalm 72 completes the three psalm sequence that concludes Book II. Give the king Your judgments, O God, And Your righteousness to the king's Son. About this commentary: View Psalm . Read through it as though it is referring to King Jesus—one who is greater than Solomon. His son, Solomon, is to become King. 3 Let the mountains bear prosperity for the people, and the hills, in righteousness!. He shall judge thy people with righteousness, and thy poor with judgment. As far as his kingdom is set up, discord and contentions cease, in families, churches, and nations. And Solomon knew it. Solomon's Apostasy . It is the prayer of a father for his child, a dying blessing, such as the patriarchs bequeathed to their children. The many cases why Thorium Nuclear Power is the only realistic solution to the world’s energy problems. Write at least one paragraph highlighting what you learned from the study notes. The prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended. 1 Corinthians: New American Commentary [NAC]. Psalm 72 comes towards the end of David’s life. Solomon's dominion was very large (1 Kings 4:21), according to the promise, Genesis 15:18. David begins with a prayer for Solomon. A Study by Scott Sperling Psalm 72 (pt. Solomon died and rotted. Resources » Commentaries » Psalm » Chapter 72 » exegesis. I rekon there are two different views about the world. Give the King Your justice of Solomon The Psalms of Solomon is unrelated to the Odes of Solomon , an explicitly Christian collection of worship songs written late in the first century AD. The law of Christ, written in the heart, disposes men to be honest and just, and to render to all their due; it likewise disposes men to live in love, and so produces abundance of peace. And he shall, by the graces and comforts of his Spirit, come down like rain upon the mown grass; not on that cut down, but that which is left growing, that it may spring again. 2nd Chronicles 9:22 King Solomon was greater in riches and wisdom than all the other kings of the earth. Exposition - Explanatory Notes and Quaint Sayings Hints to the Village Preacher - Works Upon This Psalm TITLE. Verse 18-19. Of Solomon. The best we can ask of God for our children is, that God would give them wisdom and grace to know and to do their duty. 1. Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible by Matthew Henry. Through the Bible in a year in PowerPoint slides, with comments. We may apply it to Solomon: Give him thy judgments, O God! The third panel in this worship triptych is a royal psalm. So the idyllic themes of Solomon’s reign are rehearsed in Psalm 72, and the psalmist asks God to replicate these same blessings for the new king. (18-20) Commentary on Psalm 72:1 (Read Psalm 72:1) This psalm belongs to Solomon in part, but to Christ more fully and clearly. 10 Life Lessons From the Life of Solomon. But the language of the Psalm is grand and universal – the King will rule the whole world and the prosperity of the King rivals the… 2 He shall judge thy people with righteousness, and thy poor with judgment. New International Version (NIV), Psalm 72 - Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible, Upgrade to Bible Gateway Plus, and access the abridged. However, the writer goes deeper than a simple call to prayer; this psalm is a call to a way of life; to a shape of life. Though Solomon had long been faithful to the LORD, late in life he fell away. It is sad to think how empty the earth is of the glory of God, how little service and honour he has from a world to which he is so bountiful. David is earnest in prayer for the fulfilment of this prophecy and promise. + Read Scripture. It is the prayer of a father for his child; a dying blessing. 2 He will judge Your people in righteousness, Your afflicted ones with justice. Endow the king with your justice, O God,the royal son with your righteousness. The Life of Solomon provides everyone with a sense of who God was and shows, firsthand, the blessings that God is capable of providing. (18-20) Commentary on Psalm 72:1 (Read Psalm 72:1) This psalm belongs to Solomon in part, but to Christ more fully and clearly. Last one? 72:1 This psalm belongs to Solomon in part, but to Christ more fully and clearly. May we, like David, submit to Christ's authority, and partake of his righteousness and peace. Title. This biography provides detailed information about his childhood, life, achievements and timeline. Psalm 72: This psalm is the first of only two authored by Solomon. The superscription says "Of Solomon," which could mean, as with Psalm 127 (the only other psalm bearing his name), that Solomon wrote it. Jeroboam, who would become the first king of Israel, also began to rebel against Solomon, but fled (1 Kings 11:26–40). Yet, because of the appended note about the prayers of David, many feel that David wrote Psalm 72 about or for Solomon. Grant the king’s son the ability to make fair decisions! Behind the earthly king, Solomon saw the Lord God. (2-17) Praise to God. I. 1 Of Solomon. 1st Kings 11:7 On a hill east of Jerusalem, Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the detestable god of Moab, and for Molech the detestable god of the Ammonites. A Psalm for Solomon. Psalm 72 – The King and the King of Kings. Yea, all kings shall fall down before him: all nations shall serve him. (see also chapter 127). An age of righteousness and justice. Verse 18-19. They shall fear thee as long as the sun and moon endure, throughout all generations. The Greatest Prayer Ever Answered When it comes to the progress of society and our world in general. Psalm 72 - Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible . PSALM 72 OVERVIEW. An age of righteousness and justice. Last one? Name. The Psalms in Power Point Slides; The Bible in Power-Point Slides, commented. Psalm 72, A Psalm for Solomon, by King David, encompasses a prayer for Solomon unto the future reign of the Messiah. The mountains shall bring peace to the people, and the little hills, by righteousness. May we spend our days, and end our lives, praying for the spread of his gospel. God gifted him with unsurpassed wisdom, which Solomon squandered by disobeying God's commandments.Some of Solomon’s most famous achievements were his building projects, particularly the temple in Jerusalem. [A Psalm] for Solomon. (2-17) Praise to God. So Psalm 72 cannot be about Solomon. For he shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and. Solomon was both the king and the king's son, and his pious father desired that the wisdom of God might be in him, that his reign might be a remembrance of the kingdom of the Messiah. There are a bunch of people who think the world is getting better all the time. Psalm 72 – The King and the King of Kings. Give the King Your justice of Solomon (how…: Psalm 72 by David? There is not sufficient ground for the rendering for. 5 He will endure as long as the sun, as long as the moon, through all generations. Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible is available in the Public Domain. He shall judge the poor of the people, he shall save the children of the needy, and shall break in pieces the oppressor. A psalm for Solomon. Praises shall be offered to him: we are under the highest obligations to him. Next commentary: But it is greater than even Solomon in all his glory, and reaches its true fulfillment in the “King of kings and Prince of Peace,” of whom Solomon was but a type. 72:18-20 We are taught to bless God in Christ, for all he has done for us by him.
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