Imhotep is the supporting antagonist of Monster Family. As Imhotep used his powers to open a passageway in the stony pyramid, Alex used his pocket-watch to flash a signal to his parents, who were reaching the ruins in their airship. Imhotep was brought back in the first Mummy; this, in turn, gave him the desire to devour human flesh and the intent to spread evil and corruption throughout the world. At the dawn of Egyptian civilization, Imhotep built the first pyramid, became legendary as a physician and governed the greatest state on earth. That night, Imhotep stood out from a balcony with Anck-Su-Namun, looking out at London, when Hafez came and informed Imhotep that his enemies had taken the Sceptre of Osiris, which Imhotep considered to be of little concern, as he stated that his powers would be so great once they reached Ahm Shere that nothing could stop him. Alex attempted to escape but Imhotep used his powers to fling him onto a stone slab within the chamber and bind the boy down with magical snake-like bindings that Imhotep himself conjured. Summoning up the sands of the desert with his powers, Imhotep conjured a great sandstorm that chased after the biplane over the sandy crater where the ruins were located. The fight progressed on until Imhotep walked to a side of the loading dock where the urn containing Imhotep's servants was stored: Imhotep opened the jar, unleashing four mummified soldiers, which he gave the order to kill off his enemies. Imhotep's true intent was to use Evelyn as a sacrifice in order to bring his lover back from the dead. Giving that the animated series goes on the different storyline albeit based upon the first two movies and Rick's claim that he had defeated Imhotep twice, The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor confirmed that the animated goes on separate continuities. Imhotep stepped back, recognizing the language of the former slaves, and decided to enlist Beni as his servant, offering gold as well as immunity to his wrath in return for servitude. He is also the main antagonist in the 1999 remake and its 2001 sequel The Mummy Returns. Imhotep read from the Book of the Dead and called his lover's soul out of the Underworld. Latest appearance Before the High Priest was found, the Book of the Dead and the Book of the Living were recovered, both being held by the cultists, and with the two texts the cultists had also found a large blue-and-gold urn that contained the remains of Imhotep's servants. A tall, muscled bald man, Imhotep was considered handsome by many, wearing long dark robes embroidered with silvery images of scarabs, and wore a dark tunic at his waist to match. Evelyn was moved closer to a large stone basin that was filled with fire as Imhotep gave the order to have her burned. Weapon(s) owned Sofia Boutella plays a female version of this character named Ahmanet in the 2017 remake. During the ensuing mêlée, Ardeth attempted to attack Imhotep directly with his sabre but was thrown back by the mummy's powers. Both of their loves stepped onto the scene as Rick and Imhotep called out: Rick screamed to Evelyn that she go and save herself and Alex, but Evelyn defied this by rushing over and helping Rick out of the abyss and out the doorways. Imhotep then went back on his word and ordered O'Connell and the others to be killed. Imhotep attempts to resurrect Anck-Su-Namun, but is captured at Hamunaptra (the City of the Dead) by the Medjay (the Pharaoh's sacred bodyguards). Imhotep and Meela sit by the sacred pool. He is also the main antagonist in the 1999 remake and its 2001 sequel The Mummy Returns. As Imhotep finished off the American, the next plagues from his curse occurred outside, as the waters of Egypt turned red with blood and the skies rained hail and fire. The other two, distraught at what had happened, began to fire at the mummy in vengeance, but they were killed off as well. As he was about to stab Evelyn with the dagger, he was interrupted by Jonathan, who had found the Golden Book of Amun-Ra, which Imhotep quickly acknowledged. O'Connell, Evelyn, Jonathan and Alex reached the Pyramid as well, but Evelyn was mortally stabbed in the belly by Anck-Su-Namun. Arrogant in his resurrected years, Imhotep feared little and did his best to work problems to his advantage. After some time, Imhotep had finally caught the Egyptologist and killed him in front of the townspeople of Cairo. He and his priests later steal her corpse from her burial-place. As the cultists continued on into the jungle, they found a small village that had the skeletal remains of Roman Legionnaires and Napoleon's troops, finding tiny skeletons of small shrivelled-looking humanoids: the remains of the cannibal pygmies. Imhotep is able to use years of power and strength to control others in person and through a looking pool from afar, causing both attraction to him and death to those he wishes it upon. Imhotep's catchphrase, "Death is only the beginning", written in hieroglyphs. Sofia Boutella plays a female version of this character named Ahmanet in the 2017 remake. Once Imhotep reaches the lair, he walks over a magic seal on the floor which causes him to be robbed of his telekinesis, immortality, and other powers granted by the Curse of Hom Dai by Anubis, who seemingly wishes him to face the Scorpion King as a normal mortal. He plots to seek the Scrolls of Thebes in order to remove the Manacle of Osiris from Alex. He-That-Shall-Not-Be-NamedThe CreatureLord ImhotepHe-Who-Shall-Be-One-Dead-Sorry-Son-Of-A-BitchPrince ImhotepThe Bringer of DeathGrand Vizier of ZozerHigh Priest of Amenophis Imhotep was l a high priest of Ancient Egypt, who steals the Scroll of Thoth in attempt to resurrect his lover Princess Ankh-es-en-amon. O'Connell was about to stop her when Evelyn reminded him that Imhotep still had to perform the ritual, which would buy them time; Evelyn then left with Imhotep as O'Connell swore to the mummy that he would see him again. [1] Though the mummy of Imhotep has never been found, an empty sarcophagus was found in a tomb that is thought to have been his. Imhotep reached into the broken canopic jar that once had held Anck-Su-Namun's heart and pulled out the desiccated organ, holding it in his hand before crushing it into dust and blowing it against a stone mural of two priests. As they marched towards Anck-Su-Namun, Imhotep angrily walked towards Jonathan to take the book away. His regenerated flesh began to rot away as he spoke his final words, the words that he had scratched into his sarcophagus thousands of years before: Years after the High Priest had been killed, his remains had stayed in Hamunaptra, where a cultist group bent on world domination had set out to find him. His powers allow him to control others to take his orders, which gives him control and the ability to draw Helen Grosvenor to him, where she can never remember what she did or why she was with him. Imhotep went on to lie that Rick O'Connell was sent to kill the Scorpion King, and the Scorpion King lunged forward to try and kill Rick. Arnold VoslooJim Cummings (voice)Kevin Michael Richardson (voice). They then saw Imhotep standing in front of the fireplace as his flesh and muscles regenerated itself, creeping up his dried bones. He is voiced by Daniel Ben-Zenou. After Imhotep had consumed Burns, his next victim was to be Dr. Allen Chamberlain, the expedition's Egyptologist, who was running from Fort Brydon through the streets of Cairo in an attempt to escape, all while not knowing that Imhotep was tracking him. For Imhotep's sacrilege, the princess's father Pharaoh Amenophis the Magnificent orders Imhotep to be tortured, mummified, and buried alive. Imhotep and Pharaos Seti I during his mortal life. He was later featured in the 1999 remake and its sequel The Mummy Returns again as one of the main antagonists. For the cartoon continuity, Imhotep's backstory was changed due to censorship reasons. He began an affair with Seti's mistress Anck-Su-Namun and they assassinate the Pharaoh when he discovers it. Despite his love for the concubine, Imhotep could also be duplicitous in nature, lying to Evelyn Carnahan about sparing her friends' lives, and betraying Baltus Hafez by leaving him to be killed. He entered the city's lower chambers to do so, bringing along his priests to aid him. There is, however, a disagreement on if the tomb discovered actually does belong to Imhotep, because there is evidence that whoever was laid to rest in that tomb did not worship Ra.[2]. Imhotep's priests were mummified alive and buried inside the walls of the city. Male Imhotep was an ancient Egyptian priest, the high-priest of Osiris, and the adviser to Seti I. In the first season finale, when it comes to the fight in the Paris catacombs where the Scrolls of Thebes are, he does regain them before they end up being destroyed by Alex using the Manacle's power to bring a torch underneath the Scrolls of Thebes to set them on fire, ensuring neither side has them. Imhotep remained imprisoned in Hamanaptra for three thousand years, sealed inside his sarcophagus, until in 1926, three treasure-seekers: Richard O'Connell, Jonathan Carnahan, and Evelyn Carnahan, came to Hamunaptra, hoping to find treasures. Attempting to use his powers to move a far-off vase, Imhotep saw that his own abilities were gone, revealing that Anubis, the god of mummification and death, wished for Imhotep to duel the Scorpion King as a mortal. Before she could make her way out, Imhotep stepped out of the shadows, causing Evelyn to shriek in horror at the sight of the reanimated mummy. Jonathan, Henderson, and Daniels then entered the chamber at that moment, equally startled. Imhotep, infuriated at their interruption, roared and summoned several skeletal warriors from underneath the chamber floors. As Seti turned around, he came face-to-face with Imhotep, who took his sword right from under him. He first went after the now blind Bernard Burns, under the pretences of being a bidder seeking Burns' canopic jar. As Imhotep witnessed both sides fighting, he saw O'Connell and was shot in the chest by the adventurer. To distract his attention from killing her friends, Evelyn rushed up to Imhotep and kissed him full on the lips, breaking his concentration and causing the sands to ebb. Imhotep then launched himself up onto a statue and caused part of it to crumble-free, with the intent of crushing O'Connell, who was held back by the skeletal minions but Alex, screaming in protest at this, unknowingly caused the Manacle to release a burst of energy that destroyed the skeletons and break a massive chasm in the chamber floors, destroying the statue chunk that Imhotep held as it did. Unfortunately, the Medjai, who had followed them, intervened and stopped Imhotep before he could complete the ritual, forcing Anck-Su-Namun's soul to return to the Underworld. Imhotep then transformed into a whirlwind of sand, taking Weasler with him as he blasted his way through O'Connell and Ardeth out the chamber doorway. At that point, Imhotep had entered Evelyn's room as she slept by slipping through the keyhole as sand. The cult had enlisted a large number of native diggers to excavate the ruins and find Imhotep. The skeletons sprang to life, killing as many men as they could, but hesitating to harm Imhotep, who protected Anck-Su-Namun from their attacks as well. During the meeting, Beni revealed to Burns that Imhotep's intent was to take the rest of Burns' organs and fluids, and Imhotep did so by first removing his mask, revealing his rotted face. While the Medjai and the expedition headed straight for Cairo, Beni had gotten lost in the underground passages, and was separated from the others. As part of the Hom-Dai curse that comes with him, the mere presence of Imhotep upon gaining power invoked the Biblical Ten Plagues of Egypt. Profession(s) In the years that had passed, Anck-Su-Namun had reincarnated as a woman known as Meela Nais, a matriarch millionaire, also a female crime Lord that had an unnatural memory spanning to things that no living person could have known. The last time Imhotep and Anch-Su-Namun would meet in their mortal lives. As Meela slumped down dying, Imhotep read the verses from the Book of the Dead that brought Anck-Su-Namun's soul back to Meela's body, and both lovers recognizing each other, shared a passionate kiss. The cultist group, led by the cult enforcer, Lock-Nah had dueled with Evelyn O'Connell and Ardeth Bay, the Medjai chieftain, in the O'Connell home to obtain the Bracelet; emerging victorious with Evelyn as their prisoner and the chest that contained the Bracelet as their prizes. In The Mummy: The Animated Series which the storyline based upon The Mummy and The Mummy Returns, Imhotep was resurrected with a partial scalp and a small goatee, with a kaftan-like garment in place of his customary black robes; after his resurrection, Imhotep had reverted to a partially-rotted state with a long black coat-like robe and tunic. Years later, Imhotep was resurrected by Colin Weasler, despite his co-worker Evy's attempt to destroy him. Many years ago, Imhotep was the high priest of Osiris who wanted to rule the world. Despite the warning of his friend Dr. Muller (Edward Van Sloan), Sir Joseph's assistant Ralph Norton (Bramwell Fletcher), recklessly reads aloud an ancient life-giving spell. Imhotep is the main antagonist of the 1999 action horror movie, The Mummy, it’s 2001 sequel, and 2001-2003 animated series. "Imhotep" may be referring to two or more different villains. To hide his rotted appearance, Imhotep donned long black robes and a detailed dark mask. Beni humbly accepted the mummy as his master; Imhotep then brandished the broken canopic jar from before and demanded to know where the other jars are. As the pain and shock of being betrayed by the woman that he loved was too strong for him to live with, and as he was confronted by the sight of his enemies, the O'Connells, helping one another out, furthering his pain, Imhotep was left with his final choice: he let go of the ledge that he was holding onto and slipped away into the abyss, furthered by fiery demons within the pit that hauled the mummy further into Hell. On their way through the corridors, O'Connell, Jonathan, and Evelyn were running for their lives from a large number of scarabs that erupted from the floor. Imhotep's chamber was located at the base of the statue of Anubis. Reading aloud to O'Connell, he asked her what the hieroglyphs meant, and she began to read. Imhotep appears several times t… One night, Nefertiri looked across from her balcony at Anck-Su-Namun's home, and noticed Imhotep coming to Anck-Su-Namun, where they shared a passionate kiss. It was located in the Earthquake Queue along with Doomsday. What Imhotep then revealed to Alex the boy did not know: Alex would have until the time that the sun hit the Bracelet on the morning of the seventh day to reach the pyramid in Ahm Shere, or the Bracelet would suck the life from him. He began an affair with Seti's mistress Anck-Su-Namun … The cult maintained that the Scorpion King, an ancient warlord that had been cursed by the god Anubis and given an army that conquered the land long ago, was the key to conquering the world; if he was killed, whoever killed him would gain control of his army and be able to either use it to destroy mankind or to send it back to the Underworld. Surprisingly, Imhotep was scared of cats. The dirigible went down and Imhotep, feeling his victory, mockingly consoled Alex before walking on. Soon after, Imhotep's slaves had cornered the resisters in one spot as Imhotep himself calmly strode towards the group, fully regenerated. Imhotep threw the spear through the air as it went through the fires within the chamber, almost hitting the Scorpion King. As the title character and main antagonist of The Mummy franchise, Imhotep appears prominently in Revenge of the Mummy, a hybrid of a launched roller coaster and a dark ride located in the New York section of Universal Studios Florida. Using this past knowledge to her advantage, Meela Nais assisted a nefarious cult that had the goal of resurrecting Imhotep so as to take control of the powers that were said to come from kil… Sofia Boutella plays a female version of this character named Ahmanet in the 2017 remake.Imhotep is loosely inspired by the historical figure Imhotep, a noted polymath and counselor to the Pharaoh Djoser in the 27th century BC. After finding the bracelet on the arm of Alex O'Connell, the son of Rick and Evie, Imhotep captures the boy and uses him to find the lair of the Scorpion King, rejuvenating his body using the flesh of mercenaries Anck-su-namun tricks into opening the cursed chest. When Rick kills the Scorpion King and sends him and his army back to the underworld, the palace begins to collapse. Imhotep began the ritual, tying up Evelyn while placing Anck-Su-Namun's mummified body next to her's, and summoning up his priests to begin the incantations. The chest was opened and as the dust cleared, the mummy was gone, appearing to the first thief that had opened the chest by coming down from the ceiling, where he was crawling upside-down like a spider.
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