: – The Powers That Shouldn’t Be (PTSB) have a vaccine agenda, because they want greater control over our biometrics (amongst other things). I’ll try this one. Diagnosis is encephalomyelitis,an inflammation of the brain and spinal cord. Pleading for pardons. Because I had experience in the vitamin retail sector, we talk shop. Don’t believe it for a minute, they have been working on this for decades. At the same time, you have to accept that you cannot convert everyone. Tricky but evident. Gotta put your shoulder to the wheel, No more lockdown Masala Grille will be open for takeout and delivery during the lockdown. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNl8kIwj1_k, & Diversion is their tactic. Thromocytopenia Using these criteria, restrictions could be applied, if at all,((comment: what a masquerade)) to regions with a 14-day cumulative COVID-19 case notification of 50 or more and a test positivity rate of 3% or more. 3. I’ve always gone in without a mask. Maybe the general public is really that gullible and eager to just go along with the program. Anyway, I cannot wait until Trump gets his; that egoistic, manipulative prick, con artist, supreme psychopathic, narcissistic asshole. You better look out, people Wicca women consider themselves contemporary witches if I’m not mistaken which I may very well be…, all this gaia worship stuff… communing with soil and all that…, like that weird movie Midsommar comes to mind, also recalling a recent TV series called Equinox, both sacred cyclical seasons works spawned in Europe’s nordic countries (Sweden and Denmark respectively). A two-hour FREE special ‘Livestream’ broadcast on January 5th. In the UK we are in Lockdown 3 until March 2021. – Compliance will start from Monday, 4 January 2021 with $200 on the spot fines for individuals for non-compliance. I believe people are capable of learning critical thinking given time and study. Happy New Year everyone. For some weird reason, when I heard their chanting, it reminded me of the wah-wah refrain in Bon Jovi’s song, ironically titled, Livin’ On A Prayer 🙂, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu_fEZ_aSrI, New data about the Covid vaccine studies released Take a look at this if you haven’t already. https://www.corbettreport.com/they-live-flnwo-18/ Now we have conspiracy theorists, media and excommunication (for now). Interesting, but I think a deeper dive into the topic is needed. Something which many may be unaware of, is that Business Brokers often have at hand an arm of financing for an ongoing business. Tesla recharge stations Everyone who plays along is complicit. Beverley Tip To Remain Open During Lockdown With Safety Measures Household waste recycling sites in the East Riding are to stay open during the new lockdown – for essential waste only. Open 7 days a week 11AM-8PM. QUEUED VIDEO – 17:15 minutes Max Keiser Reveals Bitcoin Price Forecast for 2021, After Nailing 2020 Call He is suffering from his own indignance; and might expand his absolutist description of “all authority bad” (the evil) by listening to himself claim that “god the creator” (whoever that is?) No more pulling the wool over our eyes https://www.meetup.com/9-11-249/ “….a group or one individual can change reality” Then, after some quick mental gears turning, added in the direction of the owner ”But wait…do you have one of those pens which check for counterfeits?” Maybe. Result: an hate storm – very real, this time – against those nasty no-vaxxers. preferably something that isn’t 75$, i like the idea but this seems scammy. The paralells to current events are chilling, and Kubrick was no ordinary filmmaker. A public prayer ending… : Behind the Green Mask of Rosa Koire Sorry about that! https://www.sgtreport.com/2021/01/pfizer-vaccine-kills-doctor/, Several videos here: Your original source (thanks for including the link) also shows “Driver/sales workers and truck drivers” with 2.7 deaths per 10,000. DEPARTMENT DETERMINES THAT SUCH PERSON IS NO LONGER CONTAGIOUS. But we can change ourselves…and that will change the world. ISC will remain closed. He took his off. It’s money, baby, it’s money. During this shutdown period, we will continue to be OPEN for our regular business hours.⠀. Del Bigtree is not aware of this because if he was he would not be having his doubts whether or not the germ theory holds true or not. Due to province wide lockdown we can only offer curbside pickup. A bizarre-sounding plan to save Earth funded by tech guru Bill Gates is “quietly” moving forward. evelopmenteducation.ie/resource/vandana-shiva-the-lunacy-of-economic-growth/, So what is the World Future Council? https://youtu.be/a91RTNA9Ejk, Contagion – FLNWO #19 (Film, Literature and the New World Order)- circa 9/15/2014 well if I’m gonna reference Plato in my question its only appropriate my answer comes from Socrates. You can also provide your general location in the comments here or search for occasions where other mentioned their location. Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi) https://www.corbettreport.com/futurevaccines/#comment-101372, (At the link, the comments above it show Dr. Fauci’s NIAID department presentation of the evolution of the m-RNA Covid vaccines, which is very insightful. In contrast to DENV, SARS and MERS CoVs predominantly infect respiratory epithelium, not macrophages… Safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines must avoid VAH.”, “…It should be emphasized there is no formal proof that VAERD is antibody mediated. And watch it unfurl, No more lockdown I’m wondering whether Hilary Clinton might be appointed (?) To address the spin the media and warhawks are doing, insinuating it was Russia: nobody knows who it was. More ad hominins. I actually came to the Corbett Report website hoping there would be some looking into this. I also came across the following from the Australian Citizens Party which addressed the question of Australian Government as Corporation – https://citizensparty.org.au/australia-not-corporation-its-corporate-state. It doesn’t take much to start an enterprise in a semi-conventional way. Call us at 3455833 to place an order. So this is not another, new, ‘Event 201’. Rich experiences can emerge from its interactions with the world; bedeviled experiences also can transpire to destroy awakening. You’d think that there has to be someone who lives near her who isn’t afraid to just do some investigating. And the mask-wearing “science” fanatics will take the injection no matter how many people have died. All 3 of our locations will be open regular hours for the duration of this lockdown. http://www.earthheroestv.com/programs/live-focus-on-fauci, Spider, Vietnam began with 1/2 the war materiel piled on Okinawa for the invasion of Japan being sent to Hanoi after the A-bomb blasts (the other 1/2 went to Seoul). If it only took a couple of days for the count of those injured to jump by about 2,000, What will that count be in a month’s time. Really, though, one can start networking from here as a starting point. Five morning classes and two evening classes a week. Did you hear the one about the rats? Also gave up my Twitter account, voluntarily, when they banned a China News link to the Hong Kong demonstrations last June. I’d do it but cough excuse, I just went on Freedomcell.org. Basically how of the stores destroyed during riots were lining up to be sold in real estate deal for nickles on the dollar. From simple oil changes to the major repairs. Hope you don’t mind if I copypaste your post to certain other channels I know. Look into sites like freedomcells.org or the more general meetup.org. That guy needs a prison sentence for murder by negligence, or was that laziness?or a well oiled eugenical cog? As nightingale mentioned, you’re well on your way. I wonder: any links between Sabbatean-Frankism and communism? He is injected with a drug and then forced to watch images with unclosing eyes. Still reading and absorbing The Corbett Report, cos this has been a light in my life for many years now and continues to be….a solace, a place to come and nod, laugh and just revel in truths. WWW pathology.jhu.edu/autoimmune/definitions, Published December 21, 2020 You are still working and we are here to support you! PEG seems to be a big factor in a lot of the injuries from the covid 19 vaccines that are being caused. Joe fell down and passed the crown I found two really extremely well researched talks by a German researcher, who works on the broader topic of microbiology/toxicology/metabolism for two decades now and who really dug deep into the studies sent to the FDA by BioNTech/Pfizer. It’s always good to verify your friend is okay before just throwing their number out. We offer an alternative to the World Economic Forum’s top-down, centralized, authoritarian vision. It asserts that most of the destructive fads and ‘isms we have had to put up with in the West for many decades are expressions of a movement that has its roots in extreme socialism (Marxism etc.) The new hospital was designed with 131 beds and 20 ICU units, but the pandemic has far overtaken those numbers. Expect numbers to rise, all fuel for the duel. The link below provides a nice overview. The race does not always go to the swiftest. He brought the vaccine scam to me then. I felt I had to show it. And I don’t wanna be a prince This 67 year old with huge biceps goes to the gym several times a week. Halstead, the “retired Dengue expert” cited in the Philippines article on my other thread wrote in his own co-authored study entitled: COVID-19 Vaccines: Should We Fear ADE? Your reply is good example of lack of good faith in communication. Probably the same priorities you just mentioned (food/water/gold/silver/BCH) but maybe he says something like you really also should focus on a power shortage so you also need a generator or something like that or something else. But amid a rush of reports about patient deaths, Berenson points out that the number of patients seeing serious complications per the number of doses distributed is roughly 50x higher than the rate of ‘adverse’ reactions caused by the flu vaccine… “It can’t be” “they couldn’t do this”. Something seems terribly wrong with that 2M per bed number. Scheduled appointments are from 12pm to 7 pm Tuesday thru Friday and Saturday 10 to 2 pm. Worth making a mental note. Even former employers are being harassed. And I have not looked yet. Call to arrange your appointment today at (807) 345 0452. If you are “Summoned” to appear in Corporate Court, simply respond in writing by certified Mail, and mail a copy to yourself (for proof) that you need to see Proof of Jurisdiction before you set foot in “Their” Court. One of those netizens announced that she was coming to Toronto and we got the spontaneous idea to meet at this coffee shop on Bloor St (by Coke believe it or not; a pilot project, which, after experiencing their idea of coffee, I’m sooo glad didn’t fly), which we did. D uptake, make us feel more depressed) or even spray us with some other crap? )Trail In the other words, people/patient will be killed by himself/ by his body immune system if he infected by covid 19(ADE). No more status quo I think its about getting the authoritative dose right. You argued not all can learn it. And although I think of myself as reasonably savvy in information gathering, I must tip my hat to James Corbett in that area, and I was curious – having his unique insights – which priorities he would recommend to focus on now. The last thing you want to do is to “Reward” the Scammers by paying the bogus fine. The video shows a hospital with hardly any people in it. Menu also available at www.beefcakesburgerfactory.com. The new subscribers and subsequent flood of information posted can easily take divert readers on several different paths. Well I have most of those things crossed off, all I need is a water purifier (I’m thinking a distiller, apparently it keeps things like fluoride and other minerals out). Maybe it’s the new normal or is it just me? People from all over the world can join. You can back in to it from there). Prof. Dolores Cahill (PhD Immunology) is setting up #FreedomAirway for travel free from masks, PCR testing, quarantine & assoc measures. I am gathering like minded folks about me, or forging new friendships and reaching out to people to let them know they are not alone in their thoughts about the way things are headed. At first, I rejected it outright without actually researching the validity of it. I have no contact info for any of his family. He did live a long time, died at 101. And I’m all out of bubblegum.” I will NOT 1) agree to Google’s “Cookies and ‘Other Data’ ” crap and I will not sign in to Google in order to watch any more Google/YouTube videos. Telling us what we’re supposed to feel https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/pfizer-covid-vaccine-allergic-reactions/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=78a27e38-2ec7-455d-a583-5b9c02273f1d. SRS Windows and Doors Inc remain open during this most recent lockdown with appointments available over the phone or in office by scheduled appointment only. Great share FT. That way they can breathe and ,you know where they stand but they cannot be fined. The goal of this channel is to empower the individual and deliver profound ideas through art.” In each video, the artist does an interpretive drawing based on an audio clip. 90+ 2100 per 10,000. How do we do that? As I stated, critical thinking is learned activity. That has to be provided by reading and watching, but then there is not enough time for sports and soap operas and all the crap people are endorsing to fight boredom. Dec 22, 2020 (Alcohol blends with oils and with water.) Would be a PR disaster for the globalists if true. 2021 is going to be a good year to locate low cost commercial rents. In other words, we all have different strategies for survival. YouTube banned and eliminated many subscribers who made informed comments, politely, (often with links), about topics that are now taboo, i.e., vaccines (if not supportive of them). I don’t much care for the GNC format, but I knew that his store was individually owned (not corporate). I could add here more misconceptions that have been successfully sold to the people. Airlines have been working for years to eliminate their reservations offices. Indian Bistro will be open for take out and delivery. Making up crooked facts, No more lockdown Lewis from his book, “God in the Dock”. YouTube Channel “Immune Deficiency Foundation” with video entitled “COVID-19 Update, June 18, 2020”. How much food should I have in storage for each individual in my household / community (I’ve heard it estimated 700lbs. The chain is pretty long when one follows all the links. Humanity needs to take charge of this situation soon. “This researcher has been publicly pointing out that the paper[,] that [has defined] the PCR test as the gold standard [and enabled] underlying global “lockdowns”[,] was passed after maximum ONE day of peer review, as opposed to the average at that same journal of 172 days in 2019.”, According to (cough, cough Wiki) “Mullis died of pneumonia[1] on August 7, 2019 at age 74 in Newport Beach, California.[2]”. I don’t see people being mostly followers as a problem. Think of the damage worldwide Kary Mullis could have done had he been allowed to live. Jack Spirko According to the latest estimates, the median price for each square foot for a home in the United States is $123. ‘Common Law Court’ – I will look into further. The mechanism(s) of the postmeasles vaccine disease enhancement and its similarity to VAERD are not known…”, (which would seem to render his hypothesis rather inconclusive.). The paper was published on Mar 5, 2020 days before the official Covid-19 pandemic declaration. Story originally from I make a joking comment about “The Great Reset” and how they are trying to do away with cash. I just said that I’m happy to know that he’s my enemy and will now just ignore him (and a handful of others who have attacked me). The Somerset Waste Partnership (SWP) announced plans to keep the county’s recycling sites open during the second national lockdown. Technocracy is the form to which a planned society must tend […] I dread government in the name of science. Twin City Refreshments remains open during this unfortunate COVID Lockdown. The Grimsby Recycling Centre on Estuary Way remains open but is restricted to four vehicles at a time. – These factoids from L. Fletcher Prouty’s “Secret Team” and “JFK”. No more celebrities telling us It gives voice to the ‘where’. There were members from John Hopkins who took part in the writing of this paper, but it was written between 2015 and 2019. “It was published after the COVID ‘outbreak’ so not sure why dates matter.”. These criteria should then be applied to the different areas, ideally Member States’ regions. They have fooled themselves into believing that their obedience, no matter what, is what will take them back to their pre March 11 world and so they go along and they treat those who do care like the enemy. I hope this art keeps things refreshing and colorful in the world we currently live in. So much so that the CNRS, which is usually reluctant to spread its views on this kind of debate, is also heavily questioning itself on the subject…”. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-01-01/martin-luther-king-hospital-south-l-a-hospital-covid-19-crisis. It was the story line in one of the Call of Duty games and those games involve military consultants. Vandana Shiva belongs to the Club of Rome. )’s foray into optogenetics?? But as reprehensible as the actions of Donald Trump are, the rampant use of the internet to foment violence and hate, and reinforce white supremacy is about more than any one personality. It all depends on who you are talking to. That’s a very simple, clear cut principle and he’s been driving that point home for a loooong time. One can search Meetup groups in their area of the globe. ADE explained simply with examples Interesting reading.”. Are recycling centres, tips and dumps open during lockdown? We both moved on and stayed friends and did everything together here in Toronto. They are brilliant, as when you fight them you’re actually scoring points for the Teckna-scats by appearing to be a fomite -spitting death vector. No more lockdown A Muslim Sees the Problem of Abrogation in the Quran! E. S. Forster. Minimal contact payment methods are preferred (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, cheque), and cash is still accepted as well. il y a 5 jours We shall survive and we shall win/conquer! Also offering free delivery. Ya just can’t make this stuff up. That is enough for 200,000 new hospital beds in new hospitals. If you are looking for contactless pick up, pull up to the takeaway door on Machar, call 285-7775, we will run your food out to you. GROUP OF PERSONS SHALL BE DETAINED IN A MEDICAL FACILITY OR OTHER APPRO- I will say that the father of optogenetics, Edward Boyden, is a very interesting dude indeed. That’s interesting. (VAERS), WEBSITE – https://www.icandecide.org/report-a-covid-19-vaccine-injury/. Besides, Mullis was lambasting Fauci for decades, it’s not like that was picked up by the dazzled masses. RELATED SIDEWAYS Ariel Schalit Passengers from Asia wearing protective gear arrive to board their plane at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport in Roissy , north of Paris, Monday, Feb. 1, 2021. “The GreatER Reset” it’s only logical to admit the possibility of these rushed new largely untested gene-manipulation technnology Covid-19 vaccines being deliberately harmful and deadly as well. Towards the end of the Dr. Robert Rowen interview, he gives details about colloidal silver, and the research which he was part of. What global corporations do we support?
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