1 Also Called 2 Capabilities 3 Associations 4 Limitations 5 Known Users Advanced Landing Augmented Landing Super Impact/Landing The user can land on any surface there is without injuring themselves, on any part of their body in any position. Jones told Cage to stay behind, just in case Kilgrave tries to enthrall him. After receiving the message from Ducasse, Jones left Sallinger’s apartment. She also defused tension between Murdock and Cage and convinced the latter to stay when he wanted to leave. The next morning, Jones suggested that Cage stayed home, but he stated that he was free of Kilgrave. However, Jones left to deal with Shlottman's predicament herself, as Shlottman's refusal to accuse Garcia could easily warrant more attacks on her, again. Ducasse recalled from his experience on doing heroin that people went to the location to do shady dealings. Jones finds Hope Shlottman in the Plaza Hotel. As Jones began to wake up from her coma while lying in bed, she overheard the Walkers discussing the death of her parents. However, the prolonged experience of being under Kilgrave's control left Jones suffering from PTSD and she gave up all hope of becoming a hero. His mother is angry, seeing it as another reason for her to have custody of Vido, and drags her son away. While living in the Walker residence, Jones would often overhear the Walkers having huge arguments about their daughter's television show. Unfortunately, the John Doe that she was looking for is not listed on the day of the bus crash, but Jones decided to print and copy the file anyway. Initially reluctant, Ducasse eventually agreed. When Jones suspected she had an ulterior motive, Hogarth admitted several of her other clients were interested in taking Spheeris property. Jones attempted to make him go away, but to no avail, as he knew all the quaint side streets of Jessica’s mind. Jessica Campbell Jones is a private investigator from New York City. Jones, frantic, decides she must be the one to get to the Griers first. Jones posted a video on the New York Bulletin. He called her "intentionally indifferent rebel-rock garb" her cape, mask and armor. She is about to open it when once again the red, meaty figure attacks her from behind, and she wakes up with Ducasse knocking on her door.[15]. Jones proceeded to tell him that she was hired by Gina's husband. Cage admitted to Jones that he tried to find Grier on his own, but with no success. He felt her shutter when she almost killed Malus and it terrified her. Walker attempted to fight him off, but Simpson overpowered her and proceeded to try and choke her to death. Upset, Kilgrave took the USB and showed her footage of the experiments that his parents performed on him and the first time his powers were used. Jones entered Walker’s hospital room just as her mother climbed through the window. When she asked what he was doing there, Cage revealed what he had deduced from witnessing her fight and perform superhuman feat of strength, and proving he suspected she knew about him. Comic Jones, Ducasse, and Gelden spent the night doing just that. She and Jones then returned to the bedroom with Walker, where Dorothy assured them that the interview was a success as they would be playing that clip all day long, on every platform. Jones, hoping to stop her from making this mistake, rushed her.[45]. Jones broke the door knob and forced her way into the apartment. [7], Jones coaches everyone about talking to the police. During their discussion, Jones advised the group to fight them without incriminating themselves, as their actions were against the law. When she asked him about Trish Walker, Simpson replied that he convinced her to stay away from the inevitable danger. Exiting the shower, Jones found Cage in her apartment. [27] However, the trauma of committing murder horrified Jones so much that she walked away from Kilgrave, ignoring his commands, successfully breaking away from his control. Walker thought she was avenging her, but in reality, Walker became her. Mrs. Yasdan then expressed her anger at Mitch and resolved to have him put in prison and deny him visitation rights. Jones visited Hogarth at her firm where a meeting was about to take place among people who claimed to be under Kilgrave's control. Jones and Ducasse then headed over to Dorothy’s, calling the cops as they left. With 7:00 approaching, they grew more and more concerned. As her job was going full throttle, Jones' life took another unexpectedly dark turn when she began investigating IGH, the organization responsible for giving her her abilities while she was comatose following the car crash at her adolescence. Successfully sneaking inside, Jones could not figure out how to work the computer, so she asked for assistance. While doing so, Sallinger offered to end all this by releasing the photo and letting the police handle Walker. She confessed to Jones that she found one of Ruben's sandals in a trash can, assuming that Jones used her brother for sexual favors. Unable to match Elektra's superior fighting skills, she was defeated and knocked unconscious.[38]. Jones became addicted to whiskey and avoided human contact as much as possible, even from her own adoptive sister.[1]. She developed a crush on Peter but never told him. Walker tried to get back in touch with her while beginning her own career as a vigilante, with little success.[21]. Still not convinced, he mocked Jones by ordering Walker to come over to him and claims that he has chosen the wrong sister to love. Still worried for her best friend, Jones had arranged for Walker to publicly apologize for her harsh criticisms of Kilgrave to which Walker herself had reluctantly obliged in doing. On it is a photo of Nick Spanos and Whizzer's actual killer. Jessica scolds at Simpson, demanding him to get out and that she needs Kilgrave alive to help Hope Shlottman, as well as innocent people being enthralled downstairs. Normally, he’d give Brianna as much space as she needed, but not with Sallinger knowing who he was. Walker caught up to them. Unwilling to wait until Clemons was finished, Jones dropped Ruben's wet, detached head right in front of him, claiming to the horrified Clemons that she had done something terrible. However, Cage arrived first, having received the information. Afterwards whilst drinking coffee, Walker tried to convince Jones to let other people publish her story to help her financial situation, but she refused them all. It was full of landscape photos, meaning Sallinger cleaned it out. The Defenders arrived at Midland Circle and entered through the parking lot. Trish also implies she's had relationships before in the past, but none that are long term. Alisa then continued her purist of Pryce, however, by the time she made it outside, he was long gone, and NYPD were locked on her, guns drawn.[39]. The power went out in Sallinger’s building moments before Walker broke in. Simpson expressed an intense need to go after Kilgrave, but Jones refused to allow him to become involved in handling Kilgrave. However, the waitstaff began to collapse, having their food be spiked, and she attack Kilgrave by forcing him to be gagged and injecting him with Sufentanil. Not that he cared, as Malus was dead either way. Jones joined Walker up on the rooftop, where Walker informed her that Sallinger was sleeping. Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Flight, Resistance to Mind Control Attack Potency : At least Small Town Level (One-shot Spider-Woman, easily defeated Scorpion, briefly overpowered Norman Osborn, knocked back a magic enhanced Luke Cage with one punch) Kilgrave showed Jones everything inside the house, replicating everything from her childhood and claiming to want her to relive her happiest days before her parents passed. The third and regrettably final season of Jessica Jones, puts Trish’s powers in full display. Soon after, they were greeted by the arrival of an old man known as Stick. Jones revealed to everyone that she is resilient to Kilgrave's mind control. Through rare interaction with specific DNA strands, the procedure not only imbued her with life once more but granted her superhuman powers as an unintended side-effect. In Jessica Jones, Trish's powers are clearly more physical than mystical, but for the Patsy Walker/Hellcat we see in the comics that's definitely not the case. When only Elektra remained, they defeated her and began retreating. By Kelly Schremph. 1 History 2 Powers and Abilities 2.1 Abilities 3 Links and References 3.1 Discover and Discuss 3.2 Footnotes Jessica Jones was a private investigator who was hired by Peter Parker to find the whereabouts of Norman Osborn. Jones questioned if it was all worth it to Walker considering that she got what she always wanted. Gelden had been standing outside the door. Jones said she wished her mother wasn’t a mass murderer. During the search, Malcolm Ducasse suggested that Jones try and track the phone call, the caller might have made a mistake. She suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress and Survivor's Guilt, occasionally undergoing hallucinations and flashbacks of her time in Kilgrave's grasp. Well, sort of. However, he did no such thing. Jones later meets with her client Mavis at Slice City and shows her the pictures. During which time, Jones would follow Sallinger. Jones and Alias then lifted the trailer off the mother and carried her to safety. Jones stated that she had to. Cage volunteered to calm the dogs down while Jones looked for Grier. Arocho doesn't deny her claim, and says it's for the best as she would only bring trouble to the building, saying she has thirty days left before she has to move out. Jones had later received a frantic call from Walker stating that the same officer who attacked her before was trying to break into her apartment. Jones and Walker arrived just in time to save Gelden. He was very much aware of who Jones was and what she was capable of, yet he continued, even offering to make her a burger of his own, that he bet $50 she would enjoy. She headed home and received a call from Walker, who told her that someone was trying to cover the accident. Jones, however, refused and decided to break up with Cage stating that she had too much business to handle to be involved with Cage or anyone. Jones watches the video, where he describes his situation and how he got his powers, The Whizzer explains how he believes his powers are killing him, and how powers can cause mental illness. Jones sees everyone under Kilgrave's power. She began to become weak from exhaustion and lack of sleep, but she sees a man in a purple suit. Jones flipped the gazebo and started digging into the dirt. Jones accused Kilgrave of rape and forcing her to murder Connors. Jones ran up and grabbed a kid who she mistook for Vido, apologizing to the parent and child immediately after making the mistake. Jones visited her adoptive mother, Dorothy Walker, who was interviewing prospective clients at the Stars & Tykes Talent Agency. What Jones saw was Sallinger questioning how Gelden found him. The antidote, however, does not work, as Kilgrave commands Thompson to stand by his side and he does so. Shocked by her own strength, Jones discovers that she could also lift the heavy sink above her head with one hand. Breaking down and crying, Jones left and called a taxi, but soon realized that she had two choices: keep running or stay and fight Kilgrave. Inside, Jones finds an experimental clinic, and has flashes of memories of when she was experimented on there, including a memory of being attacked by another person. Jones told them to get Hope as far away from New York City as possible. Next, Jones, who plucked up the courage, went to Luke's to talk to Luke Cage, but she only found Roy Healy, who was taking over the bar and restocking the liquor while Cage took some time off. He watched from outside the gym as Sallinger taught a wrestling class. Sallinger examined the photos, and in them, he found Jones’ truth. They both locked themselves in the bathroom, with Walker taking out the Combat Enhancers she stole from Simpson days earlier. Jones and Jeri Hogarth make their statement, Jones and Hogarth agreed to make a statement, but she requires her phone. Jones joined forces with the three vigilantes and began fighting off the attackers. Jones, eventually, took the case. Clearly hating the job and feeling utterly humiliated by the stupid uniform, Jones put little effort into her work. They had a few questions for Jones, starting with her recent run-in with officer Carl Nussbaumer. The first super power that Jessica discovered, Jessica has the power to fly. She looked into his brother’s death, which was allegedly a tractor accident. Jones pursued the attacker but she skillfully escaped her. The series was renewed for a second season by Netflix which was filmed back-to-back with season one of The Defenders and aired on March 8, 2018. Instead, Alisa overpowered her and used Jones’ own body to suffocate Walker. He replied that he was only trying to kill Alisa. Jones takes pictures of Cheng meeting with clients, hoping to dig up dirt on him, but he notices her. Home. Her chosen profession of private eye was even more evidence of this. However, it made her realize that when the day came for her to finally take them, she wouldn't have it in her to do it herself. When the phone went to voice mail, the caller, in a distorted voice filter, eerily warned Jones not to find John Raymond. Ever since her short-lived stint as a Super Hero ended in tragedy, Jessica Jones has been rebuilding her personal life and career as a hot-tempered, sardonic, badass private detective in Hell's Kitchen, New York City. Realizing that he was telling the truth, Jones pulled the car off of him. Jones worried that Walker would lose control and do something she couldn’t come back from. Jones called Dorothy over as she wished to have an interview. In the video, she revealed Walker's identity to the world. Jones claimed that she never wanted that. Caspar Marx. Jones is invited by Kilgrave to live with him, As Jones continued to look around in confusion, Kilgrave revealed himself and confessed the reason for controlling the officers, as well as doing all these horrible acts, was because he was in love with Jones, wanting her to come live with him. As Jones disconnected the call to Eastman, she could hear the latter's voice coming from the room where Carlo had supposedly been with his mistress. All Jones wanted from him was access to the crime lab in Jamaica, Queens. The entire time, Jones eyed the keys in the ignition, which didn’t go unnoticed. The following night, when Pryce finally woke, Jones asked if he remembered trying to kill them. She began to insert a needle in his eye, draining his cerebral spinal fluid from his brain, which helped to stabilize him. Jones hid behind a wall, so not to expose her presence. Across the street from Sallinger, an altercation ensued between Gor, a pimp, and one of his hookers, Berry. The level determines the final score, of the Super Power, being used in the calculation. When Jeri Hogarth asked her to become the private investigator for their law office, Jones, who preferred to work as a freelancer, declined. He continued to push Jones to embrace her inner killer. They then found Karl’s journal, detailing his plans to make more enhanced individuals. Jones enters her old room from her childhood. Jones agreed with the rest of the team to hold Rand away, much to his protest. As a car approached, Jones begged Alisa to get back inside as she's a wanted woman, and so she did. Jones is comforted by Luke Cage, having learned of her past. The story offended Jones, as she hit the red button, which sent electricity into the water, sending shocks to Kilgrave's feet, bringing him down to the ground. Simpson was about to kill her, however, Jones helped Walker, by knocking Simpson out with a refrigerator. Hercules. Shlottman had been ordered by Kilgrave not to move and had been stuck in the bed for hours. Jessica Campbell Jones Cage is een fictieve superheldin die voorkomt in de Amerikaanse stripboeken van Marvel Comics.Het personage werd bedacht door schrijver Brian Michael Bendis en tekenaar Michael Gaydos en komt voor het eerst voor in Alias #1 (november 2001). Jones explained it was research as Nussbaumer robbed and killed drug dealers. Jones failed to inject her mother with the drugs. She advised Jones to go home and take care of herself, and to allow her to handle Brandt. She later learns from Malcolm Ducasse that all her files have been taken. Cage, then, offered Jones a ride home on his motorcycle, noting she had to wear a helmet as it was the law. Shortly after being adopted, Jones discovered she possessed superhuman abilities due to the fatal car crash that took the lives of her parents and eventually decided to pursue a career as a superhero. She is also court ordered to take anger management classes, and has to pay property damage. He agreed and told the waitstaff to kill each other if he does not return on time. Alias(es) Jones and Walker began their joint investigation into Sallinger at Jones' apartment, starting with the bag full of bloody money Sallinger left behind. After posting the video to the New York Bulletin, Jones and Ducasse waited. Simpson gained the upper hand, as Jones slows down from the pain in her ribs. As she continued this discussion, Holiday boarded a bus, which Jones followed. Jessica suspects who may be behind it, and goes to her neighbor Arocho's apartment. The whole team helped out. They heard a clattering sound in the distance. The next day, Jones wakes up hearing noise from her kitchen. They hadn’t, but she assured Berry they would. Then, through frustration, Kilgrave quoted back Cage's speech of forgiveness, word for word, stating he wrote it and revealed that he had been controlling Cage this whole time, ordering Cage to hit her. We will compare Jessica Jones vs Vertigo powers. Further, Stick's attitude aggravated Jones and she left the restaurant. Walker had been tracking him for weeks. While Gelden may have been a good man, Jones didn’t trust him. Walker and her boyfriend, Griffin Sinclair, leave for a charity gala. Mentally and emotionally unhinged from the horrifying nightmare, the now unnerved Jones then received a phone call from Jeri Hogarth who briefly chastised her about how she had actually threatened Gregory Spheeris with her " laser eyes," only with Jones pointing out that Spheeris was so idiotic he would believe anything he said. She … Kilgrave told Jones that Ducasse should’ve been left in the streets, where Kilgrave put him with a needle in his arm as he’s useless. Jones returned to her apartment to find Cage waiting by her door. When Raymond told Jones about someone already keeping an eye on them, Jones immediately went to confront the man watching them. Realizing she has been set up, Jones confronted both Eastmans. The man continued to share his view of the world with Jones, how everything was terrible and optimism was a lie. Jones called him back. Jones came from out the room and slammed Walker against the ceiling. Kilgrave would treat her to dinner, specifically at an Italian restaurant called Il Rosso, and use his vast wealth to stay in a five-star hotel; however, it would constantly be his powers keeping her there, not Jones' own free will. Jones went on to explain that the woman has abilities that far surpass her own. She tracked the woman down and found her having sex with another man. While talking with her mother in her apartment, Jones was shot by Pryce Cheng from across the street in a neighboring building, though she was not the intended target. Unsettled by the revelation, Jones decided to leave quickly; grabbing her clothes as she apologized to Cage, but gave no explanation, walking through New York City back to her own home to reflect upon her own actions which she hated. Alisa then revealed that when she attacked Jones, she showed restrained and controlled it. She then prepared to leave for work. Stokes revealed that he was searching for him, as well, and that he had not kidnapped him. He read that a bus driver, named Charles Wallace was the bus driver that got drunk, due to alcoholism, and ran over Connors. Alisa attempted to make a break for the window, but is shot in the leg. Temple noticed that Jones looked guilty, suggesting that she stopped because it would not help Cage's situation. Later, Jones was discharged against medical advice. Jones arrives at the Brooklyn movie set, which has closed for the night, and follows a trail of blood to an empty stage, where Walker has tied up a bleeding Will Simpson. Jones then cut him free and took him into a room. Jones offered to trade Costa the copies of the photos from the album for the list of victim’s names. Jones witnesses Wendy Ross-Hogarth's murder, As she began her search, Jones called Hogarth; she becomes suspicious when she kept asking about Thompson's location. Kilgrave was fooled at first, mocking the fake Jones for not having the courage to look him, while the real one kept sneaking from the other side of the terminal. When Murdock asked about the case she was doing, Jones refused to answer. He assured her that not even in her dreams could she escape him and that he’s inside her forever. Jones discovers that Luke Cage is still under the influence of Kilgrave. He tells Jones to take Walker and run. leaving her orphaned. She also had him on kidnapping and attempted murder. He was there to take her statement, though Jones wouldn’t offer up much and refused to look at herself or even be treated as a victim. Kilgrave began to cry, much like a child, talking about how he became a hero for stopping Chuck from killing children. Kilgrave continued anger Jones, referring to her once more as a killer and insisting that she’ll kill again. Jones remarks that they weren't after Walker. After learning the description of the mysterious person of interest, Jones returned to her office and pulled up the NYPD surveillance. He reassured that he did not harm the dogs. Jones released from courthouse thanks to Trish Walker and Griffin Sinclair, Later, at a courthouse, Jones is released after Walker bails her out. Ducasse is fixing up the Alias Investigations Office, while Walker waits with him for Jones. Jones refused to hand him over, stating that Sirkes could have Grier's stockpile of marijuana in exchange for Grier's life. She watched through binoculars as he pulled out his bag what appeared to be photos. She gets up and bounces the ball against the wall while telling the story of how her family was killed in a car accident, she was experimented on, how she was abducted and raped, and forced to kill someone. During the Kilgrave victim's group therapy, a man had revealed that he became Kilgrave's chauffeur after he was forced to abandon his son on a sidewalk, and for an entire week, drove Kilgrave where he needed to go regularly. Nussbaumer was still at it. Jones walks to the door of her apartment, and passes her superintendent. So she called his number, leaving a message claiming that he won an Xbox One; Cage was amused by Jones' ruse. Sallinger claimed he lived in truth. Jones and Luke Cage arrived at Delaney Hall, where Kilgrave supposedly was. He insisted that he had a terrible lawyer and needed to get Cassie away from her mother as she was toxic. [9], Jones enrolled in college, paid by Trish Walker against Jones' desires. He asked Jones about the photos behind the bureau. Velasco denied that Sallinger had any involvement in the death of his brother or the seven victims in the train yard. Eventually, after tracking down Jessica Jones and taking control of Carol Danvers, Purple Man kills himself by force of will and Captain Marvel throws his body into the sun. Sallinger told Jones that it was supposed to be her that came after him. Still, Jones had to take action and needed to know what Costa had so far, but they didn’t have much of anything. They tracked him down to an abandoned warehouse and Jones entered by ripping off the lock. He sarcastically recommended that Jones sign up. Without any option, Jones decided to return to the Raymonds to look for clues, as John Raymond was the one who designed Midland Circle Financial. Sallinger said something about Jones’ hero charade ending where it began. IGH used genome editing to stimulate healing through advanced cellular regeneration. Unable to do it, Jones proceeded to rip up the paper and leave as Jack cried, while his mother attended to him. Jones directed his family out of the house and away from danger. He reveals that he did research on Oscar and found that he served time for forgery, meaning he is an ex-con. Given her cooperation, Jones was released. She only missed because Jones raised her hand and blocked the attack, causing the blade to go through Jones' hand. Jones quickly diffused the situation citing Ducasse as an addict, and in turn, Simpson apologized for his paranoid behavior. Jones convinces Hope Shlottman to not accept the plea bargain, Jones got a call from Shlottman, where she confirmed to her that Kilgrave has been captured and is trying to get out a confession from him. As the doctor began to analyze the hairs, Jones found the sewer main, causing it to back up into the building, forcing everyone to evacuate. Jones began to go through negotiations with Samantha Reyes, who claimed that the citizens were just drunks who got into a fight and Jones killed in cold blood. In the comics, Patsy still possesses some pretty impressive physical abilities, but she can also sense mystical energy with … Despite this, Jessica notices she was wearing a wig. Healy stated he has heard it from all the girls and advised her to just move on, stating that Cage would not miss her. Jones leaves a fake message claiming Antoine Grier won an XBox One. Jones knocks out Kilgrave with Sufentanil. And now adding murder to the list of her crimes. Believing it to be Kilgrave, she chased him down, only to get hit by a truck. Jones runs straight back to her apartment. He swiped it before police arrived. Simpson pulled out his gun, but Jones kicked his chair before he could shoot; knocking the gun out of his hand and throwing various objects at him. Unfortunately, Jones would later learn that the charges wouldn't stick and that Sallinger would walk free.[23]. After finding Ducasse but failing to stop Trish, Malcolm proposed that he and Jones work together to find Trish, but neither knew where she was headed. Instead of grabbing her ticket, Jones genuinely smiled to herself at the acceptance of embracing the hero life and exited the station, deciding to return to Alias Investigations and stay in New York City.[25]. Jones tried to remind him of the incident at the 15th Precinct Police Station, However, Clemons denied the event, stating that it was a prank by Evans. Taking Murdock's apparent death hard, Jones returned to the bar to drown her sorrows. Cheng defends himself, saying the boyfriend wouldn't let him in. In the comics, Patsy still possesses some pretty impressive physical abilities, but she can also … They didn’t have any kind of evidence to support their claim that Sallinger was a murderer. Jones informs Rafi of Mavis's request, and he runs out of the store while Mavis asks her why she told him. Jones discusses her current situation with Trish Walker. He then proceeded to ask her if she thought Shlottman was in her right mind when she murdered her parents and proceeded to ask how Shlottman obtained the gun. When she was allowed to leave, Jones stole some evidence from the crime scene, an act that did not go unnoticed by Misty Knight. Arguably one of the most coveted superpowers in existence, flying is another one of Jones’ abilities. Kilgrave, filled with rage, showed dissatisfaction with Jones' betrayal, stating how she tricked him into being a hero, However, Jones stated that he wasn't, calling him by his real name Kevin, mocking the chosen name "Kilgrave," as well as calling him a murderer. Jones drinking heavily at a bar. Then Walker disarmed him and the two of them knocked him out. That connected with something Walker had been thinking about; the vacuum seal bags she found in his apartment. Jones tracked Walker down to the airport. After killing Kilgrave, however, she appears to have put several demons to rest, acting more affectionate and possibly closer to everyone than before. Jones stated that she is going back home, but she spent the whole night looking through hospital morgues, to see if she could find the corpse of Thompson. Unfortunately, there were several coffins, all identical. Once inside, she found dozens of body parts. Jones overheard Simpson reporting to Kilgrave that he had executed Walker, and Jones was devastated by the outcome. Jones reluctantly talked to her new attorney. Jessica Jones is a Netflix series that is part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe follows Jessica Jones using her PI skills and powers after quitting being a superhero. She traps his hostile pet mongoose Emil in the bathroom, and finds his laptop with a video on it. It turned out that the call came from a payphone at 11th and 49th. Alisa pointed out that Jones had tried everything but joining her. Gelden roughed officer Nussbaumer up against the fence after he threatened Jones. Sallinger was envious as wresting came easy to Nathan. Jones wanted him away from the kids he was teaching, but he refused. Garcia did not know what she wanted, but she stated that she would not talk unless she bought her food from the vending machine. The former couple didn't talk for long, before Murdock warned that someone was approaching. Jones informed Ducasse that they found what they needed upstate to get Sallinger. Hogarth warned Jones not to interfere now that her case has turned into a matter of national security. At this point, Jones concludes if Eastman was under Kilgrave's control, the latter would no longer be under his influence given the amount of time that has expired, therefore, she's planning to use the weapon for another purpose.[4].
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