Some believe the curse of seven years of bad luck that results from breaking a mirror can be reversed by burying all of the broken pieces of the mirror in the moonlight. Okay, but what about the most popular seven-years-of-misery belief? This superstition dates back to the Romans, who believed that life renewed itself every seven years, and that breaking a mirror would thus cause damage to the soul it was reflecting at the time for that duration. add the bad luck RealCyGuy 17:04, 11 October 2018 (UTC) Good idea, but we can't say that it actually causes bad luck, or that luck truly exists at all. In Sweden, they believe that the girls who are looking in the mirror will become unattractive, so this is the process that should be avoided by all means (if you want to be pretty). The Chinese zodiac animal pairs that are best friends are rat and ox, tiger and pig, rabbit and dog, dragon and rooster, snake and monkey, and horse and ram. If you break a mirror, a part of your soul will remain entrapped inside the broken mirror! Their negative talks may cause unfavorable results. If mirrors can see the future, then breaking one will break your future. It could be warm or cold. I feel at home when I am in their presence. Answer Save. Is it superstition or can we found something here that could give us the answers to what hides in our world? Spirits from the spirit world may be able to suck out your soul through the mirror while you are asleep and unprotected. This only works on nights when the moon is visible. Dont worry, its only 7 years bad luck!!! To avoid this, it is important to assemble pieces of the broken mirror and buried it under the tree with a woman’s name written on the piece of paper. There is a lot of mysticism around this mirrors’ ability to absorb one kind of energy and emit it as another one. Great reading, great Customer service, great energy. This is derived from the custom of breaking a glass mirror. Mirrors are often used, besides their obvious purpose to see our appearance, to defend against so-called ‘energy shocks’ – they can damage the residents’ energy (the o… Early people imagined they saw the image of their soul in a mirror. Having a large number of mirrors in the home is considered lucky, this could be because mirrors are known to deflect evil and attract good. the superstition of breaking a mirror and it causing bad luck stared back in the day when they first started to learn how to make them and it was very very expensive to buy one so it was very bad to bake a mirror and so started the superstition. Russians have a special ritual for getting rid of bad luck that a broken mirror could cause. Mirrors are also said to be devices of the Gods. Psychologists and other scientists have proven that warm shades have a very positive impact on people’s overall well-being. Some say that it has been observed that it reflects not only a visible reality but also invisible energies that are all around us, or as we like to make things much simpler if it is possible, they can reveal the world that is beyond our plain sight. He thought superstition was nonsense. One scientist even said that if you are afraid to watch ghosts, try to look at them over the gardens or with any surface that has a reflection. Reply ↓ Alinah February 11, 2020 at 6:15 am. These objects certainly have the power, and they have the ability to turn something that is invisible into visible – we can all agree about this. Breaking a mirror would automatically endanger life and produce bad luck. Today we know that the mechanism of refection of energy when in touch with the substance is always the same. Perhaps it was always considered a bad sign to break the old family mirror: as an old member of the family, it helped all households with their good, family circulation. The Romans are also responsible for little known measure for avoiding the curse useful for anyone who breaks a mirror. ‘Seven years’ bad luck,’ they said, when a mirror broke. The media with some of its movies have strengthened the belief about the bad luck associated with breaking mirrors. If a mirror fell from the hands of an unmarried girl, she would not be married in the next seven years. The means of revenge varies, but often includes the loss of a close friend or the death of someone in the household [source: This is a list of signs believed to bring bad luck according to superstitions: Breaking a mirror is said to bring seven years of bad luck; Bird or flock going from left to right ; Certain numbers: The number 4 (tetraphobia) in Chinese culture and Korean culture. To alleviate the misfortune brought to you by the broken mirror, there are many ways to do so. Well, mirrors used to be rare and expensive, so breaking one meant going without, saving for another, and waiting. But Nikos wasn’t superstitious. Throughout history, it has been used extensively for magical purposes – even today some believe that it can display representations of situations that happened in the past or those of the future, as well as events from distant places in the present. One of the most reasonable and logical explanations has nothing to do with strange beings from another realm, mirrors that devour human souls and so they get lost once the mirror was broken and so on and on. Here lies the secret about the power of mirror reflection rays. This only works on nights when the moon is visible. Mostly it has been connected to the Moon and the Human soul. That is the thing that we receive as a reflection from the mirror. Don't break a mirror (Image credit: Anton Watman/Shutterstock) According to folklore, breaking a mirror is a surefire way to doom yourself to seven years of bad luck… But we could not help but wonder, and maybe this is not just a superstition? If you do not have the ability to move the mirror, then it should cover it overnight – in many cultures, mirrors were covered by night. There are many beliefs and mysteries surrounding mirrors. If the glass is not from a mirror then this is considered great luck. Why is it believed that breaking mirrors bring such misfortune? Then read the article and do the exercises. So, usage of the mirrors is not an easy game, but it can come handy, in times of need. Source(s): history. I think I raked in some serious bad voodoo here. You can put an apple in each corner of the room (“Ping guo” is the Chinese name for apple, which sounds the same as fruit for peace) and burn some incense or light a candle in each of the corner and say a prayer asking for good luck. To break a glass bottle indicates that you will be successful. This action would turn it into something that could no longer reflect anything and thus it would lose its malicious ability. Perseus there is another clue about the mystical power of mirrors, besides the fact that it helped him beat Medusa without looking directly into her eyes. The Romans actually believed that the reflection is not just a reflection but it is a mystical world which hosts the soul of the person looking in. Throwing the mirrors by moonlight, breaking into the most powerful pieces, or throwing in running water, is also one way of getting rid of “bad luck” that the broken mirror carries.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'mydreamsymbolism_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_14',145,'0','0'])); The most extensive ritual is collecting mirror remains, trying to avoid the reflection of one’s own character and throwing away from home. Some would go as far as grinding the inauspicious item into powder. And if a cat walks towards someone it is said to bring good fortune, but bad luck if the cat walks away, as it "takes the luck” with them. Symbolism of mirror originates from its very function, which is to reflect. Italian masters would add a certain amount of gold into the amalgam, so the mirrors would get a beneficial, pleasant warm shade. 1 0. Wear safety gear. Then after 7 hours has passed, sweep up the pieces and just throw them away. They continuously reflect the results of ideas and activities of the inner self-evaluation processes. Scattering pieces of broken mirror in moonlight, destroying it further or throwing it into flowing water are all popular ways of getting rid of the bad luck.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'dreamastromeanings_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_13',141,'0','0'])); One of the most popular solutions, practiced all around the world, is to collect all the broken pieces while avoiding looking at them and seeing your reflection and throwing it all far from the house. In the Spanish countryside, people sew pieces of mirrors on children’s clothes, on their shoulders, to protect them from harmful look of evil eyes. Toshiba. Amongst many objects that represent just a part of our daily routine, one has a very long and interesting history of use, but not only as regular day-to-day element. Although the exact origins of the belief are inexact, potentially centuries-old lore holds fast to the idea that a mirror is a projection of one's appearance — and one's soul. breaking a glass WHILE proposing a toast. Her eyes were lethal to all of her opponents. For this reason, getting a mirror for your own use was an expensive investment. Warm metals are gold, copper, bronze and brass. var D=new Date(),d=document,b='body',ce='createElement',ac='appendChild',st='style',ds='display',n='none',gi='getElementById',lp=d.location.protocol,wp=lp.indexOf('http')==0?lp:'https:'; Mirrors reflect and divide, they double the reality, while, at the same time, they absorb it, infuse and contain all of it. Now, in the case when the mirror is shattered to pieces, it is not a bad idea to follow some of our advice, it would not harm. Breaking a mirror on Monday brings financial problems, while Tuesday is for disappointments in the love life. Otherwise, it will suffer various troubles later in life, and this belief is even more expanded in other countries. Thus, if a part of your soul remains locked inside the broken mirror, you will have to spend seven years without it, which does sound disturbing. Ideas about broken mirrors can be found around the world – looking at your reflection in a broken mirror is considered bad luck in both Russia and India. In numerous traditions around the world, it is believed that if you break a mirror, you will be unlucky for a certain amount of time, namely seven years! Many people still believe that mirrors reflect more than visible reality. In certain cultures, people believe a mirror can steal people souls. Back in the day, mirrors were expensive and considered very precious items. There is also a custom of cleaning broken pieces with the holy water. However, if two cross your path, the bad luck is reversed. Here are some random mirror superstitions: There are several superstitions that pertain to glass. They believed that the soul would regenerate every 7 years. var s=iw[ce]('script');s.async='async';s.defer='defer';s.charset='utf-8';s.src=wp+"//"+D.getYear()+D.getMonth()+D.getUTCDate()+D.getUTCHours();c[ac](s);})(); Beaver - Spirit Animal, Totem, Symbolism and Meaning, Falcon - Spirit Animal, Totem, Symbolism and Meaning, Horse - Spirit Animal, Totem, Symbolism and Meaning, Be a Flamingo In a Flock of Pigeons - Meaning and Symbolism, Biblical Meaning of a Daughter In a Dream. But we have to consider the situation and number of people's belief who live in that situation. Do the preparation task first. Break a mirror and you’ve got seven years of bad luck! Wear protective gloves and shoes, and use a broom and a dust pan to sweep up the broken pieces. In some regions, at weddings, the bride and groom throw two glasses on the floor. Did you know that our ancestors were so superstitious when they wore mirrors bracelets to protect them from spirits? It is suggests that this warming, pleasant shade had an extremely positive effect on those reflecting in the mirror, besides of its aesthetic quality of the reflection. You can sign in to vote the answer. It appears as a dream and, in a way, world behind a mirror is a living dream. Vampires and some other mythical beings are believed not to have mirror reflections, since they have no soul r heart or whatever that would makes them humans. One of the most widespread superstitions states that breaking a mirror brings bad luck for 7 years. Sometimes it happens that the mirror was of a great personal value. The more of them in the house, the better. Some sort of mirror could be bought at a local fair or so and it was considered a precious item. 1) Uninvited company, a'la bad spirits and people are coming to your home. Mirrors are sometimes considered a protective material. catch(e){var iw=d;var c=d[gi]("M389558ScriptRootC314994");}var dv=iw[ce]('div');"MG_ID";dv[st][ds]=n;dv.innerHTML=314994;c[ac](dv); In some traditions, people would soak the pieces of broken mirror into water and keep it so for seven hours, in order to cleanse it all. Nope. Lv 5. The soul, now severely damaged, isn't able to fully protect its owner from bad luck. If the mirror does break then you’re going to have quite the opposite of luck! I think that breaking a mirror won't give you bad luck, but if you think so, then be careful, even though it's just a superstition. Russians have a special ritual for getting rid of bad luck that a broken mirror could cause. But never fear, there are just as many remedies to restore your luck if you accidentally smash your looking glass. The bad luck would be over after seven years as the soul was believed to renew itself every seven years. Mirrors have been seen since people discovered them and started to use them, as the symbol of wisdom, morals, creative power, divine intelligence the object that can reflect the truth, sincerity, and knowledge, but also beauty, and innocence. 15 Answers. The broken mirror thing, not that I’m a believer of luck one way or the other or even coincidences. It becomes a good luck charm that protects you from harm. Others believed that mirrors were actually devices of the Gods. Like the Moon, it reflects light from the Sun. You can try to cancel this by : Step 1 Turn around 3 times in a circle in a counter-clockwise direction as soon as you break the mirror. Certain German scientist claimed that the mirror reflection of eye-rays could make great damage to the one who reflects him or herself. Bad luck is an unpredictable outcome that is unfortunate. Remember to go clockwise when you do this simple ritual. Does this count as 1 broken mirror for seven years or is each hit 7 more years? What we can add is a section on superstitions, their history, psychology, etc... For example, the notion that a breaking a mirror causes bad luck is one that goes back thousands of years; possibly to prehistoric times. Breaking mirrors or glass won’t bring any type of luck (good or bad), but it’s still fun to know the origins. She suggests a quick test to see if your mirror might be affecting your sleep. Some people believe a few things are possible when a mirror falls but does not break. Police confirmed a man from Leicester had been arrested on … The belief that the broken mirror brings difficulties arises from our ancestors, which is still relevant today, whenever this unusual event occurs. Walking under a ladder- this is believed to be bad luck as a ladder leaning against the wall forms a triangle - symbol of the Holy Trinity. Ancient Romans, just as many other traditions throughout the history and around the globe, believed that mirrors have special powers and that they could catch a part of a person’s soul. And the light represents illumination, enlightenment, awareness and wisdom. One of the techniques known to reverse bad luck from breaking a mirror is to throw salt behind your shoulders. Breaking a mirror is another supposed source of bad luck. Breaking a mirror. The luckless who accidentally break a mirror, and does not wish seven years of ill-lack, must take all the pieces of the mirror and bury them in the moonlight, or take all pieces and throw them into running water, or pound the broken mirror into tiny pieces so that none of them can reflect … 1 decade ago. A murder investigation has been launched after a 29-year-old woman was found dead on the pavement in Leicester. The soul, now severely damaged, is unable to protect its master from bad luck, so if you have wondered is this a good or bad news, definitely bad news. It means you do not have to go out and buy another mirror. The curse of bad luck only applies if you break someone else's mirror, and usually only if you do it on purpose. This is neither a story about Narcissus nor the lake, but about men made mirrors. Mirrors have many facets and so do they have many variations of symbolization process. Breaking a mirror - this is said to bring seven years of bad luck. The good news is that there are a number of folk remedies for relieving the seven years of bad luck.
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