Another great moment between two characters who haven't had many (if any) one-on-one, in-person moments together: Casey and Gen. Beckman. Series co-creators Josh Schwartz and Chris Fedak expressed a desire to produce a fifth season of Chuck as early as March 2011, when it was revealed that the fourth season finale would be titled "Chuck Versus the Cliffhanger". I think that risk paid off, for a few reasons. I'll go on record right away as saying that I was very pleased with the "Chuck" finale, and I think the last 30 minutes of the final episode rank up there with the absolute best the show has ever done. I really enjoy the Chuck series on NBC, so every Monday night at 8 EST, I’m parked in front of a tv. After years of being essential and amusing background players, several of my favorite employees actually got some dialogue, and the way Jeffster masterfully ran their intel-gathering operation was a thing of beauty. Ben is eventually able to catch up to Thomas, … Oh darn, I wished he'd gotten a more meaty arc on the show (he previously appeared in Season 2). True to form, they still kept up with the fans who made the continuation of the series possible.Dastardly guest stars!Perilous missions! It was great for us to build on that with the Morgan-Casey relationship and also the chemistry that Adam Baldwin and Mekenna Melvin had playing his daughter. Were you surprised that Sarah didn't get her memories back? I loved that the symphony crowd was really digging Jeffster, and Morgan conducting the orchestra was dementedly inspired. Throughout the finale, Sarah's memories were slowly returning -- and I believe they would have returned in full over time, because I want to believe that. Nice. We wanted to bring in a bunch of people, but as we put these episodes together, there was too much story. And that's the truth, man." Zachary Levi — The post-Chuck life hasn’t been as remarkable as one might have imagined for a guy that seemed poised to be the next big thing. Alby came with a bow and arrow to Thomas's rescue and shot Ben in the head. Thomas comforts Chuck but is himself terrified of what he may see or hear. I think considering who we got to work with, people like Chevy Chase and Scott Bakula, and we watched their movies and shows when we were kids, it would be awesome to see some day in the future, a kid who grew up watching the Chuck show and that we were some influence on their life -- which is crazy to imagine.Has Zach talked to you guys about Nerd Machine or Nerd HQ for future collaborations or Comic-Con?Fedak: I assume I'll be working for Zach Levi at some point.Schwartz: Chris will be handing out visors. There were Sarah's videos, Chuck's recollections and at the end, a calvacade of glimpses into their most memorable moments (dual Weinerlicious uniforms!). Zac and Yvonne doing some of their best work (and that's saying something)? I think we discovered over the course of the pilot and the first two seasons of the show that it's really about a guy who met a girl and fell in love. Farewell to Chuck Part 5: : Life after ChuckWhat songs were rejected for the big Jeffster! I think they're still working on the Chuck and Sarah action figures. Thomas’ negative feelings about sacrifice become most pronounced when Chuck sacrifices his life to save Thomas’. Fedak: One of my favorite memories over the years is sitting with Josh at his computer and going through iTunes, selecting songs for the Jeffster performances... That was super fun. There was part of me that wanted the gang to have one last victory lap, in which they would defeat some amusing or mildly scary villain and then ride off into the sunset; but at its best, "Chuck" has woven real emotions and real consequences into its best spy stories. After that, he did a few indie films here and there, but he devoted more of his time to teaching, as an associate professor of theater at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. "Someone quoted the pilot. When I can’t watch it at its normal time, I depend on or for my fix. What happened to Chuck on 2/9/09? Yvonne brought so much heart and ass-kicking awesomeness to the role of Sarah, and she could be dryly funny too. Still, Pellegrino got one good line: "The Ring. Oregon authorities have reportedly found the remains of actor Charles Levin, who had been reported missing on July 8. It gave us time to focus on Casey and his daughter and Morgan and Ellie and Awesome.What was Chuck's growth from the nerd we knew into who he is now?Schwartz: When he's walking on the beach with Sarah that you see at the end, that he's the guy in control, he's the guy in charge. There was a dead Griever. It's a little bittersweet, but a pretty satisfying finale...Chris Fedak: It's a bittersweet moment for Josh and me. Everybody was in the lobby for hours after it ended.Fedak: Nobody wanted to go home. Chuck's five-year plan has reached its end.On Friday, series creators Josh Schwartz and Chris Fedak saw the end of their beloved spy comedy that inspired nerd culture and Subway sandwich diets. We designed this season as the final chapter, and I think that these 91 episodes are -- we're very proud and very happy. Throughout the two hours, we saw how Sarah literally couldn't pull the trigger on Chuck. Here is bullet list of some favorite or otherwise notable moments from the finale: I love that this fandom didn't just help save the show (and it's worth reading NPR critic Linda Holmes on that subject) you also put your collective power to work doing good in the world. I firmly believe, with all my heart, that it worked. swan songCongratulations! And that was the lovely subtext of the finale: The people we love have an effect on our lives, an effect that nothing can ever take away, not even super-complex spy devices. Through the entire operation, Teresa is by his side, scared about what will happen to her and Thomas, but calm, believing that WICKED will find a cure for the Flare for the sake of humanity. is rocking Munich. So we were building toward that. Especially in recent seasons, he was not only the audience's surrogate (the show's Hurley, if you will), he was so funny and so delightfully enthused about everything. What amateurs." The series is about an "average computer-whiz-next-door" named Chuck Bartowski, played by Zachary Levi, who receives an encoded e-mail from an old college friend now working for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). If I had to guess, I’d say it was after both the dad convo and the Ben breakup, but it’s possible it was before both. Chuck Schumer, American politician who was elected as a Democrat to the U.S. Senate in 1998, representing New York in that body the following year. We've built this finale as one part love letter to the fans. "For this job, I need you ruthless. I needed to be convinced, however. Vibraphonist Ben Thomas is a Seattle-based solo recording artist, as well as an artist/clinician for the Ludwig/Musser company (in addition to the vibraphone, Thomas is an established drummer and percussionist).… Read Full Biography. Newt and Thomas leave the Council room and head up a winding staircase. Everyone had changed so much over five seasons. An embassy scene and Gen. Beckman invoking "old Casey"? The "recovering Sarah's memory" story gave real stakes to the finale because we are that invested in Chuck and Sarah's hard-won happiness. I know the pop music on the soundtrack of "Chuck" gets a lot of attention (as well it should, thanks to Alexandra Patsavas' great work as the music supervisor), but I think composer Tim Jones did a terrific job in the finale, especially when Chuck and Sarah were in the dream house (his tender piano music was just right). How could I resist any of that? Fedak later confirmed that the episode, as the title suggests, would have a cliffhanger ending leading into the fifth season. One of the boys standing in front of them turns and looks them with an annoyed expression. But you know what? Ellie telling Chuck that he's "aces" and Mama Bartowski flashing a firearm in front of her granddaughter? "); Morgan Guillermo Grimes got a great scene in which he, the Bearded One, challenged Casey's go-it-alone, tough-guy rationale; hell, even Jeff and Lester had changed. Chuck Thomas (7) ‎– What Can I Do / What Happened Baby Label: Band Box Records ‎– 365 Sure, Quinn was another in a long line of bragging villains with eeevil intentions, but he was a mere device to get us to care about whether Chuck and Sarah would rebuild their relationship. Part of HuffPost Entertainment. And in terms of just plain old "Chuck"-tastic goodness, I just loved, loved, loved the Jeffster sequence at the concert hall. Something is out of order. Just as Sarah got to fall in love with Chuck all over again, we got to fall in love with their relationship once more, and revisit all its highs and lows in so many different ways. Well done, sir. The firm that fired Amy Cooper promoted heir who beat his wife Those two people are definitely in love.Were there arguments in the writers' room about this ending for Sarah and Chuck, that she doesn't get her memories? Today is National Voter Registration Day! By the end, they deserved each other, in the best possible way. Hopefully the show will live on in other areas too.Do you think this was this the finale that fans wanted?Fedak: I hope so. Will Chuck and Sarah ever be the same? Also in the end, Morgan was right: "Grab this woman and kiss her." A favorite line, thanks to the way Zac delivered it: "Everyone keeps telling me Sarah's gone, but she's not. Was there a screening with you all together? It's funny. He had a small role in Thor: The Dark World, and has starred in a Yahoo web series (Tiny Commandos) and a couple of TV movies, but he’s yet to really find a comeback project. It feels like a good, full story.Are there hopes for fans who want to know if/when there will be a movie, a comic book, some sort of continuation?Schwartz: Well, never say never. Note: Do not read on if you have not seen Season 5, Episode 12 of "Chuck," entitled "Chuck Versus Sarah," or Season 5, Episode 13 (the series finale) of "Chuck," entitled "Chuck Versus the Goodbye" on NBC. Relive five seasons of Chuck through photos. Chuck nods but states that he thinks Thomas is smarter and faster than Gally. But yeah, we hung around forever and stayed up way too late just talking about the five years and 91 episodes and stories about making this show. It's an amazing experience and I think we're just happy to have done the 91 episodes and finished the show how we wanted to. Chuck is there and he's not telling Sarah, remember me, please remember me, he's not crying, he's not pleading with her. Sign up for membership to become a founding member and help shape HuffPost's next chapter. Production. But in that final moment where he would have that decision, that's when we were like, the Intersect is important that he would have to choose between giving Sarah her memories back and saving the data.Casey had his moment hugging Chuck at the end. Thanks not just for communing with those of us in the media during five years of ups and downs (and more ups than downs, I'd say); but thank you also for several years of delightful Comic-Con and C2E2 panels, for lots of good give-and-take on Twitter and for always being frisky and smart in comment areas. 'Working on a five year plan. Morgan and the Cloak of Invisibility were comedy gold. Think about these things in the context of who these people were at the start of Season 1: In the finale, John Casey was wearing a World's Greatest Dad apron and scrubbing the kitchen floor that his roommate Morgan Grimes had dirtied ("You really think I've changed?
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