[14], Some time later, Beckett was tipped off that Governor Swann was sending Elizabeth back to London. [15], During his campaign to eradicate piracy, Beckett made use of a pirate brand. Though he didn't exactly consider the black people inferior to the whites, and he even admitted that slave trade wasn’t a pleasant business, it was extremely lucrative, which was for him a good enough reason to get himself involved in it. The realization hit him like a cannonball. Jack then attempted to resign his position as an EITC captain, but Beckett warned him that if he refuses to take a rightfully assigned cargo, and even if he resigns his position, he would owe the Company the money for the destroyed cargo of sugar. Cutler Beckett in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. Jack Sparrow: Close your eyes and pretend it's all a bad dream. Soon after that, Beckett ordered Governor Swann to be murdered, fearing that he would soon figure out the significance of the chest, and pose a threat to his plans. He suspended many rights of ordinary citizens, including the right to a verdict of a jury of peers, the right to legal counsel, the right to gather in protest and several others. The Wench was saved from sinking by another pirate ship, the same ship that attacked the Fair Wind a year earlier. Summary: After getting invited in the Lord's office, Groves feels like a double-edged sword and gets to know Beckett's real intensions. MacFarlin, who liked Cutler's imagination, gave him a copy of an interesting book, My Lyfe Amonge the Pyrates, written by Captain J. As soon as he saw the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman turn towards him, Lord Cutler Beckett knew that he was going to die. Beckett was distrustful of Davy Jones, however, and he forced Jones to kill the Kraken, by ordering it to beach itself on an island. So he decided to interview the entire crew of the Wicked Wench. The group decides to find Beckett and obtain the heart to help Jack with his cursed debt.After Jack's group is separated by the Heartless, Jack manages to find Beckett. [8], When Mercer began to interrogate Piye, the old man died with no apparent reason. From aboard his flagship, the Endeavour, Beckett knew that the legendary Brethren Court would make a plan of action against Beckett, the Flying Dutchman, and his Armada. [17] He owned a golden signet ring which he used to seal letters and important documents. Aside from English, which was his native language, he fluently spoke French, Spanish, Greek, and Latin. but no, he remained silent until the final moments. Submitting to Beckett's will, Sparrow agreed. Will then told them that the Brethren Court intended to release her, and offered to lead Beckett and Jones to Shipwreck Cove, all in return for his father's freedom and the guarantee of his and Elizabeth's safety. Clearly impressed with Sparrow's negotiation skills, Beckett offered him a promotion to the rank of captain, as well as a vessel to command, the brand-new square-rigger named Marlin. Battle of the Calypso's Maelstrom is a battle featured in At World's End and the last conflict in the War Against Piracy. The Pearl and the Dutchman flanked the Endeavour on both sides, and fired a full broadside. True to his word, Sparrow had indeed led the Brethren out of their fortress, and offshore of Shipwreck Island, Beckett's armada came face to face with the fleet of the Brethren Court. Summary: After getting invited in the Lord's office, Groves feels like a double-edged sword and gets to know Beckett's real intensions. [16], As preparations were being made for the battle, an odd wind began to blow in the favorable direction of the pirate fleet, and the skies darkened and rain began to fall. After years of hard work, Beckett rose through the high ranks of the Company and was made Governor of the Company by the Court of Directors. Now that he was well established, he wanted her to join him, but he couldn't ask her to travel to the other side of the world, a voyage that would take at least six months. More than a decade after the burning of the Wicked Wench, Beckett was granted the title of Lord, eventually becoming the Company's governor. Therefore the style "Lord Cutler Beckett" is incorrect. [2], After working for three years in Nippon, Beckett was relocated to Calabar in West Africa, where he became the Director of West African Affairs for the East India Trading Company. As times changed on the high seas, freedom-loving buccaneers like Jack Sparrow were soon threatened with extinction. he heard his officer ask. He was tortured for several weeks, an experience which left him with eternal hatred for all maritime outlaws, before he was ransomed by the Company. My name is Lord Cutler Beckett, and as you surely understood yourself, I occupy the position of the representative of East India Trading Company in the name of His Majesty the King George II of England,“ Beckett politely bowed his head. Believing that those slaves came from the island of Kerma, Beckett sent Mercer to find as many slaves from that caravan as possible, and he was able to locate the two of them, an old holy man named Piye and the extremely ugly woman named Ayisha, who was working as a seamstress in the household of Roger Dalton. Jack would pretend to help her escape from slavery, take her onboard the Wicked Wench, and when he verifies that the bearings of the island are correct, he would return to Calabar and Beckett would send his fleet to conquer Kerma. [raises his gun] Lord Cutler Beckett: Cut out the middle man, as it were. He also ordered new, fancy clothes for Jack. He also did "favors" for powerful men, asking for no payment. Devastated, Theo shifts his allegiance to the East India Trading Company, serving under Lord Cutler Beckett. Sparrow was locked in the brig aboard the Sentinel, the EITC’s patrol and defensive vessel for West Africa, which immediately sailed south, back to Calabar, where Jack was thrown into a local EITC jail. In a way, it describes exactly how I feel about the Verbinski sequels, stunningly designed, impeccably shot, gorgeously directed, and poorly written. Not wanting to fight on two fronts at the same time, Beckett made a deal with Roger, because they had a common goal, to rid the world of Jack Sparrow. [4] He also owned a cutlass and took possession of James Norrington's sword upon taking control of Port Royal. But noooo. Just to make sure that Sparrow would return, Beckett warned him that if he doesn't fulfill their agreement, and fails to return with both Ayisha and the Wench, which were both Beckett's property, he would be considered a pirate. All accounts of interviewed crewmen agreed with Sparrow’s report. Nevertheless, Elizabeth offered to trade Jack for Will, to which Beckett happily agreed. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. However, despite Elizabeth being imprisoned, Beckett struck a deal with Turner; he wished to obtain Jack Sparrow's compass, with which he hoped to find the Dead Man's Chest, which contained the heart of Davy Jones. Both Sparrow and Greene jumped overboard, and while Greene started swimming toward the shore, Jack was determined to reach the burning Wench and try to save her. After many expensive repairs, the Wench sailed across the ocean, but when she approached the coordinates that Ayisha gave to Jack, there was only a large fogbank at that location. [2], Over the years, Beckett employed many operatives, men in important foreign ports who kept an eye on developments and reported to him. Oddly enough, as he walked towards the center of his ship, not a single large piece of metal or wood hit him. Snotlout: That's why he's out there sinking your ships. Beckett trying to get information out of Jack Sparrow. Though he didn't promise anything, Penwallow was sure that Beckett would soon receive some official recognition of his contribution to the Company and the King, because the last time Penwallow was at the Royal Court, he spoke well of Beckett, and he was sure his friends at the Court would like to introduce him to King George II so Beckett could be properly awarded. Unable to recapture Chevalle or Sparrow, Beckett returned to his search for the Dead Man's Chest.[15]. By luck, the Wicked Wench docked at Calabar the same day, returning from her first voyage as an EITC ship, and Beckett sent Ian Mercer to bring Jack Sparrow to his house for a lunch with him and Lord Penwallow. With the heart he would be able to assume control over Jones and the crew of the Flying Dutchman, and thus the Seven Seas. Jack Sparrow has outsmarted Hector Barbossa, Davy Jones, Blackbeard and Lord Cutler Beckett. Jane heard Cutler's conversation with their father, and though she couldn't come with him immediately, she gave him her entire life savings, so he could send for her once he was settled somewhere. [16] Because of his terrifying experience with the pirate crew of Christophe-Julien de Rapièr, he hated pirates more than anything. Beckett is best described as a cruel, unsympathetic and ruthless fiend preparing to murder masses of people including children and also rather arrogant preparing to let nothing stand in his way. The undead army of Jolly Roger, an undead pirate captain, was attacking the main islands in the Caribbean and the ships on the high seas, both the British and the pirate ships. He faces death like a man, but yes if he ordered to fire then his ship would have fucked up the pirates ship. Cutler Beckett and Davy Jones on the sandbar. Cotton - Most likely killed by Blackbeard, who shrunk the Black Pearl. He was already rich and powerful, and the only thing he wanted now was a title, so he could briefly come to Somersetshire, see his father, and then give him the “cut direct,” the worst insult high society allows. The only thing I hate in AWE. [16] Also aboard, were various nautical instruments and toy ships that eerily resembled torture devices, perhaps reflecting the type of control Beckett planned to exert over the world. Hold to copy. According to Captain Ward's book, the island was hidden from the outside world by a magical fog and inhabited by the descendants of the Kushites who had left Egypt and Kush thousands of years earlier. what intrigues me in this scene, is that even if Beckett was too shocked to speak, Groves (who was second in command) could have and should have ordered the crew to open fire. [12], Approximately a year after the incident at Isla de Muerta, Lord Cutler Beckett was sent to Port Royal with the blessing of the Crown and the official appointment to the Royal Commission for Antilles Trade and Protection, which gave him extraordinary powers both governmental and military. When he was born, he was a small, sickly baby that no one expected to survive, but he surprised his family by living. According to Sparrow, Ayisha refused to lead Jack to Kerma before he frees her brother from slavery in the Bahamas. Jack Sparrow : Without me, you'd arrive at the Cove and find it a fortress, nigh-impregnable, able to withstand a blockade for years. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. August 1729 auf See) ist der Antagonist im Film Am Ende der Welt, und der Vorsitzende der East India Trading Company. A cartographer was employed to make daily changes to the map as ships returned bringing reports of the Company's growing power and influence. Elizabeth Swann mentions he is trying to control the ocean. [10], When the Setinel approached the Wench, Sparrow and Greene were brought onto the weather deck so they could see what punishment Beckett had in store for Jack. Hold to copy. When he arrived in the Caribbean, Beckett discovered that the Company wasn't the only force which wanted to control the New World. Knowing that he had a "head for business", Cutler responded that he would like to join his brothers in the Beckett Trading Company. Drago: Clever boy. After gaining the heart of Davy Jones from James Norrington, Beckett uses it to control Davy Jones by taking over the ship and ordering a mass execution of all pirates, even women and children. Soon, he was both knighted and made a lord, eventually becoming the duly appointed representative of King George II. [2], When the Wench returned to Calabar, Beckett again sent Mercer to bring Jack Sparrow to his office. Marked by his failure to deliver to Lord Penwallow the promised cargo, Cutler Beckett's quest for a title was now seriously slowed down. Sparrow proposed that Beckett release him, so that he could lead Beckett to Shipwreck Cove, and draw the pirates out.
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